Week 9: Celebrations of Joy
Week 9: Celebrations of Joy
The end of the fall Feasts of the Lord concludes with the Feast of Tabernacles (or Booths.) We took the time to celebrate this, but were doubly blessed when Bayoán, one of our students, surprised everyone with his first visit back to the program.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
This week our theme was perseverance. In worship, we saw the story of Moses in a time when his arms were getting tired and his people depended on him not giving up. God helped him by sending friends to lift up his arms and this gave the people the victory. We talked about people who help us when we feel frustrated or that we want to give up. We also looked at the verse in Hebrews 12:2 that talks about running our race with perseverance. We should fix our eyes on Jesus and he will help each of us run our race.
Outside we enjoyed doing several races but it was our fingers inside that got the greatest workout! Inspired by “T” is for “turtle”, on Tuesday we used flair pens to make black line drawings of turtles. On Thursday, the kids cut out their own pieces to make collage turtles. Then, they took flair pens and added details like they saw in the picture books we provided. We also enjoyed reading “The Tortoise and the Hare” and sharing with them the lesson that “slow and steady wins the race.”
…you shall run and not grow weary…
The Garden kids having fun racing in the big park this week.
This week in worship we continued our study in the book of Genesis by studying more about the life of Jacob and the 12 sons that the Lord gave him. While Jacob passed through many difficult circumstances, the Lord had a plan for the nation that would come through Jacob's children. We also had the chance to celebrate Isabel's birthday this week and to talk about the Feast of Tabernacles. What a joy it was to celebrate this Feast of the Lord as we have been doing with the other fall feasts.
In history class we went into greater detail about Jacob's 12 sons. We learned their names and the names of their mothers. This was important to know because the nation of Israel would grow and develop from the 12 tribes. To celebrate the Feast, the students designed and decorated paper fruit and used these creations to decorate our tents outside.
This week we wrapped up our study of light by talking about the human eye and how God designed it to perceive light. The older students drew a simple diagram of the eye in their journals. They labeled a few of the parts, including the retina, where our rods and cones are. We learned that the rods help us perceive shades of black and the cones help us to see color. There is a part of the retina that doesn’t have rods and cones and therefore becomes our “blind spot.” We tried a short visual trick experiment to show what happens when light doesn’t hit our rods and cones.
Our younger students drew a camel and were able to use the paint they made when we had our class of the “Science Behind Egyptian Paint.” They each chose their favorite color for their camel and covered it with the chalk and egg white paint. This week we will begin our Second Day of Creation Unit: Air and Water.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Genesis 29-35
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 54-57
World History pp. 44-45 / Ancient World pp. 34-35
…when you have gathered in the produce of the land, you shall celebrate the feast of the Lord…
We celebrated the Feast of Booths this week with real and crafted produce under the tents we setup outiside
OAKS - Middle and High School
In Biology, it was all about test prep! The students organized their own review session via Google Meet on Monday, which went well! On Tuesday, they got to play Verdad o Falso? to further review. This time, it involved a ping pong ball and plastic cup pyramid. And quiz # 2 went very well on Thursday—the students should be very proud of themselves!
But the highlight for everyone was receiving Bayoán for worship time. It was incredible to see how well he is doing and we just gave thanks to the Lord for this miracle he is allowing us to witness.
ReadingS for This Week
BIBLE: Genesis 29-35
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 54-57
World History pp. 44-45 / Ancient World pp. 34-35
Streams of Civilization pages 57-59
…the joy of the LORD is your strength…
Bayoán had his first day back in the program and just seeing how strong he has become filled us with joy. What an answer to prayer!
Memorizing the Ten Commandments
You must not have any other gods but Me
You must not make an idol or an image of anything in heaven, earth, or sea
You must not use the name of the Lord in vain.
Fall Drama Workshop
The show has been cast and rehearsals begin in full force this week. We are super excited to work on this show and we have such a talented group of kids working with us this semester. Can’t wait! Check out a clip of the kids during the movement audition with “Happy Dance” by MercyMe.