Week 10: Make Lemonade!
Week 10: Make Lemonade!
Despite the power outage on Thursday, we made the best of the situation by having some fun with water balloons with the Garden and meeting online with Seeds and Oaks.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
This week our theme was “Big and Small God made them all.” In worship, we studied the story of Noah and about all the different animals that went in the ark, even dinosaurs!. The kids loved to hear that God himself shut the door of the ark when all the animals had arrived. Noah trusted God and obeyed him and God was faithful to his promise to him. In activity time, the children worked on drawing different dinosaurs and on building with blocks.
On Thursday, we were faced with the reality of a power outage in the facilities. However, we switched our plan and enjoyed our snack picnic style on the patio. Then we had a shorter activity time, featuring our brand new kinetic sand and play doh as we pretended to make fossils in the play doh and search in the sand like paleontologists. Finally, we enjoyed sprinklers and water balloons outside. Cesare’s mom also brought along some popsicles for the kids to enjoy. It ended up being a wonderful day.
Ready to Splash!
Gillian prepares a balloon for launch.
This week in worship we continue the story of the Jacob’s family as we got into the life of Joseph and the last section of Genesis. We learned how Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and found himself in Egypt; from a human perspective it seemed that all was lost. But Joseph found himself being used tremendously by God as he was given the power to interpret dreams. Joseph was able to interpret the dreams of three men and it allowed him to find new purpose and power within Egypt. This would eventually be used not only to rescue his family, but an entire nation.
In History class, we continued to work on our timelines and we had the opportunity to look at a picture of regular life in Egypt. We learned that homes were constructed in a way that allowed heat to escape and that the farming life of these homes was essential to family survival. The way that the Egyptians would bring water through irrigation ditches was incredible. We also had a great time in the park this week.
On Thursday although we lost power at the center, we were able to run all the afternoon programs through Zoom and it was really fun to honor Estella with her book and to have our exercise class led by Mrs. Michelle. We also drew some warrior Pharaohs with the Seeds group based on the reading from our History book.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Genesis 37, 39-41; Genesis 42-45:15
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 58-63
World History pp. 41 / Ancient World pp. 31
Ready to Stretch!
Mrs. Michelle led both groups in an online exercise class.
OAKS - Middle and High School
The Oaks high schoolers have their own Bible class in the mornings and have reached a major milestone: they have completed reading the Torah: the first five books of the Old Testament. Congratulations guys and we pray that this word now planted in your heart continues to bear fruit in your life.
ReadingS for This Week
HS FULL DAY - See Weekly Plan Book
BIBLE: Genesis 37, 39-41; Genesis 42-45:15
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 58-63
World History pp. 41 / Ancient World pp. 31
Ready to Smile!
We always begin our morning HS day with prayer and then Bible reading. Olivia gives a smile to the camera.
Memorizing the Ten Commandments
You must not have any other gods but Me
You must not make an idol or an image of anything in heaven, earth, or sea
You must not use the name of the Lord in vain.
You must keep the Sabbath holy.
Fall Drama Workshop
We began rehearsals in earnest kast Friday for “A Christmas Carol.” Some of the photos below depict some of the classic combinations from different scenes of the play including, Marley and Scrooge (played by Yosef Torres and Jonathan Pardo); the spirits of Christmas Past, Present and Future; the visitors Dum and Dee; and the Cratchit and Fezziwig families.