Week 6: Fun and Games - September 16-20
Week 6: Fun and Games
Children learn so much through play. In almost all the classes this week, games and play were incorporated in many different ways. From shooting basketballs in P.E., to mounting puzzles in Science, and enjoying both original and ancient History games about the Middle East, there was A LOT of fun to be had. Don’t believe it? Check out some of the “mummies” featured below!
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
Our first Break Week is coming: No classes October 1 or 3
The Garden
Our time of worship was a very special time as we learned that God wants us to be like trees that are planted by streams of water so that we can bear fruit for him. We began to sing one of our favorite Garden songs from Psalm 1:3: “Serás como árbol plantado, junto a corrientes de agua…” We began to plant new little plants in our garden to help us remember this week’s theme. We also gathered different leaves at the park and read the fun book Leaf Man that shows how leaves can be strategically placed to make fun pictures.
On Thursday, we celebrated Cesare’s 5th birthday and presented him with the book See you Later, Alligator. We prayed for him and affirmed part of the story that we read in the Bible that week: “And Jesus grew in wisdom, and in stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:42) We pray that scripture over all of our students as well. During activity time we made beautiful leaf rubbings with some of the leaves we had collected on Tuesday. Then we used watercolors to paint around them. The children also used the remaining leaves to create leaf pictures like in the Leaf Man book. They mades faces, an elephant, and even a puppy out of the different leaves..
All of the students finished their pyramids and were excited to take them home on Tuesday. We also began a decomposition experiment in light of our current study on pyramids and mummies. Before starting the experiment, we learned about the process the Egyptians went through to preserve the bodies of the dead pharaohs. We learned that they removed the organs and then buried the body in salt for 40 days in order to dry it out. Later, they dipped pieces of cloth in special oils and wrapped the body in them. Then, we began our experiment by preparing three pieces of bread: one was plain, one was toasted, and the last one had a thin layer of antibacterial ointment. We placed them inside a zip lock bag and sealed them well. When they came back on Thursday, they wanted to look at the bags but there was still nothing on them. I assured them that as the weeks went by they would observe more change. The older students worked on their journals to document our experiment. They made a drawing and included their hypothesis of which piece of bread would decompose first.The younger students enjoyed being covered in toilet paper from head to waist! Those who wanted to, also got a layer of body cream with essential oils before wrapping the toilet paper.
As we always try to do, the Science class aligned with the studies in the History classes. We also continued learning about the amazing processes of the Egyptians, including how they removed large stones from the quarries. The students also got to play a game from the Sumerian civilization called, “The Royal Game of Ur.” This is an ancient game that the kids loved learning how to play. Each one will receive their own game board and pieces to play at home this week.
FINALLY, in worship this week, we honored Eliam for his birthday as well as continued our study in the book of Genesis. We’ve also finished learning the “Books of the Old Testament Song,” which you can play by clicking on the video link below.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Genesis 17, 18, 19:1-29, 21:1-21
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 42-45
Review 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and the names of the Old Testament Books of the Bible
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 16, 19, 24, 25
If using the older version of the Usborne "Ancient World," then those readings are found on pages: 9, 14-15
OAKS - Middle and High School
In Biology class, the Oaks students learned a bit about the chemistry of biology. While sharing with the class about the imaginary element they created, they worked in teams to build a periodic table puzzle together. They also learned about Avogadro’s number called a mole and what some of the basic macromolecules are!
The full day high school students had a special assignment this week in which they were to present a creative project based on what we’ve been studying. Elisha, Josh and Mateo created games based on the lives of the Patriarchs we’ve been reviewing in the book of Genesis. Olivia wrote a play about the lives of Egyptians. They did a great job and we look forward as they will be sharong these things with the other students this week.
ReadingS for This Week
BIBLE: Genesis 17, 18, 19:1-29, 21:1-21
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 16, 19, 24, 25
If using the older version of the Usborne "Ancient World," then those readings are found on pages: 9, 14-15
Streams of Civilization pages 46-49
Online Science Lessons (continue to login to platform)
Full-day high-schoolers: continue with weekly lesson plan.
Memory Verse #1 (extended)
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Books of the Old Testament (song) review
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,
Joshua, Judge, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel;
1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles,
Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Job, Psalms and Proverbs;
Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos (clap, clap);
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum,
Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi!
That was the Old Testament! (clap, clap)