Week 5: Traveling Fast through History- September 9-13
Week 5: Traveling Fast through History
This week, the students began pasting the Timeline Labels that they’ve been working on over the last few weeks and learned how Abraham traveled to follow the promises of God.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
The Garden
Just like Jesus is like the sun, giving light to the world, we discussed that we are like the moon. The moon has no light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. The children learned in worship that we can shine the light of Jesus in our lives too. We sang “This little light of mine” and wondered how we could share our light with others. We enjoyed making a moon to go with our sun using foil paper during activity time and we opened the block area for the first time.
On Thursday, we told the story of how a little boy shared his lunch with Jesus and Jesus multiplied that lunch to feed thousands! The little boy let his light shine by sharing with others and we encouraged the children to do the same. Later they each used oil pastels to draw the phases of the moons as we had discussed during circle time. Emma coached them as they drew the Earth in the middle and then eight circles surrounding it. Many of them enjoyed putting a little speck to represent the island of Puerto Rico. We finished with a book that shares a sweet rhyme: “I see the moon and the moon sees me, God bless the moon and God bless me.”
In worship this week, Mrs. Vivi told us about how Abraham traveled from his home in Ur of the Chaldeans and journeyed a long way to the land that God showed him. Abraham even traveled to Egypt which we talked a lot about. Even though Abraham didn’t always do everything right, he showed great faith in God and truly believed Him, even when he didn’t understand or see the promise coming to be. We also enjoyed celebrating Yosef as he had his birthday this week.
We continued learning about the engineering behind the impressive pyramids of Giza. The students learned that the pyramids were built as tombs for the pharaohs. The older students watched a video to learn more about the purpose of the pyramids and how they were built. We learned how the Egyptians used ramps, levers and rollers to make their job easier. Finally, we learned how a plumb line was used to ensure that the structure that was being built had a straight foundation. They enjoyed going outside and using a very simple plumb line made with play doh and yarn that is easy to make at home. We used it to check how straight several things in the park were. I also challenged them to put a stake in the ground as straight as it could be. We later checked it with the plumb line. They were surprised to discover how mistaken they could be! Finally, they began to design a paper pyramid that they will finish this week.
The younger students worked on building tall towers using all the blocks given to them in teams. We discussed the challenges of building together and how it must have been for thousands of workers to work together building the pyramids! They also worked hard designing their paper pyramids and are so excited to take them home this week.
Egyptian fun was carried outside to the parking lot as the students drew “hieroglyphic” type images on the ground. They are just so creative! This was also the case with the timeline they made in class. The wonderful thing about creating a timeline is having a visual documentation of some of the most important events in History. As we study the Bible, we also get to see how the Biblical events fit into other events we know about, because as we always say, the Bible is the most reliable History book we have! The kids enjoyed coloring their labels and finally getting to cut them out and paste it onto the timeline we made a few weeks ago.
Meanwhile in Physical Education class, the students had a great time with Mrs. Michelle working with dynamic movement, team-building exercises and coordination. Check out the photos below.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Genesis 11:27-12:20, 15, 16
DK Illustrated Bible pp. 38-41
Review 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 22-23
If using the older version of the Usborne "Ancient World," then those readings are found on pages 12-13, “Mummies and Pyramids”
OAKS - Middle and High School
The Oaks had a busy week in biology preparing for their first Biology quiz, which was on the first 3 chapters! On Tuesday, they got to play “Verdad o Falso?”, a review game Ms. Catherine made up, to help them see which topics needed more studying. On test day, they did great, and finished with time to spare. They should all be proud of a job well done.
The Oaks in History are also learning about the development of Egyptian civilization, something that Abraham would have seen with his own eyes as he traveled there with his family. The Oaks worked on their own timeline and listened to Jeremias as he was chosen to lead this week’s readings in our text: “Streams of Civilization.”
Finally, we honored Elisha during fellowship time since she turned 14 years old this week.
ReadingS for This Week
BIBLE: Genesis 11:27-12:20, 15, 16
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 22-23
If using the older version of the Usborne "Ancient World," then those readings are found on pages 12-13, “Mummies and Pyramids”
Streams of Civilization pages 53-55
Online Science Lessons (continue to login to platform)
Full-day high-schoolers: continue with weekly lesson plan.
Memory Verse #1 (extended)
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
Books of the Old Testament (song) review
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy,
Joshua, Judge, Ruth, 1st and 2nd Samuel,
1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles
Ezra, Nehemiah, Ester, Job, Psalms and Proverbs