WATER from the Well 2024-2025

Click on the dates below to find out what we're doing this week at The Well!

Week 21: Green pastures

The Seeds and Garden kids had a great playtime together in the park this week.

Due to construction at our facilities, all of the programs will be adjusted this week. Please check your chats and e-mails for the changes that will affect your particular program.

Scroll down to see More photos and suggested readings for the Week


This week was quite unique. The students adapted so well to the changes and modifications due to the construction in the facilities and had a blast doing it. On Tuesday, we introduced our theme: God’s word helps me grow along with the letter “C” for “cow.” We reflected on the section of the Bible that says that we should crave God’s word as our spiritual food. We learned a new song called “I am growing” to go with our theme. Since we discussed the many products that come from milk, we set up a pretend ice cream shop in our kitchen play area. The kids had the opportunity to be the waiters, customers, cashiers and servers. They loved it! The best part of this week, however,  was definitely making our own”growing” creations. We set up an outdoor classroom and the kids filled up a sock with grass seed and dirt. Then, they decorated their grass head with eyes and noses. We can’t wait to see that green grass grow! 

This week:

Letter: “H” for “horse”

Theme: I obey right away.


In worship this week, we were able to enjoy our time outside in the big park and continue to tell the story of David. We paid attention to the lovely green, grassy hills in the park and imagined how they could be like the “green pastures” that David wrote about in Psalm 23. David himself was a shepherd and he knew that a good shepherd always leads his sheep to good places to feed. We sang our song and thought about the True Good Shepherd who always provides for us, always cares for us, and as we continued learning our memory verse, is always there for us when we walk through dark and scary places…like valley of the shadow of death. (See the video at the end of this page) This led us into David’s battle against the giant Goliath, who was so much bigger, fiercer and more frightening than the lions and wolves David encountered as a shepherd. However, he knew that “The God of Israel” was with him, and he did not need to be afraid. What an important lesson for all of us: we must fix our eyes on God in ALL circumstances. He is with us!

The Seeds and Oaks students in History learned about a new culture that existed in the times of the Old Testament: the Scythians. These were an ancient people that were known as the Horse Lords of Euro-asia. It was fascinating to learn about their skills and abilities on horses and how these warriors traveled huge distances across two continents.

As promised, this week I brought in a special art Science activity for the students. The kids were so excited to fill their stockings up with grass seeds and dirt to create their very own “grass head.” After everyone had their head ready, we moved on to decorate the heads with eyes and noses. They could choose from buttons, googly eyes, pom poms, felt or pipe cleaners. The students got very creative adding mustaches, beards, and even make-up! I was so thrilled with how they all turned out. This was actually a project I wanted to do with my own kids for a few years and I finally got a chance to do it. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing pictures of how your “grass heads” germinate and grow tall! Please share your pictures with us.


Our Drama Club and Drama Club Jr. groups met again this week and continued learning new drama games and performed some improvisational exercises. It is such a joy to spend this time with these young artists, especially as we watch the ones who have been in the program for several semesters grow in their abilities. We also launched our new Private Music Lessons this week with Mr. Jean. 8 students have already begun their lessons in bass, piano, guitar and ukulele!

Suggested Readings for the Week

Consider using these readings for the Seeds and Oaks students as a way to refresh what was covered during our last meetings.


    • 1 Samuel 13:1-14; 16:1-23

    • 1 Samuel 17; 18:1-30

  • DK Illustrated Bible

    • pp. 124-125; 126-127

    • pp. 128-129

  • World History / Ancient History

    • Pp. 68-69/58-59 Scythians

  • Streams of Civilization (Oaks Program only)

    • P.94-95 - The Early Russians

    • P.95-97 - The Scythians

Memory Verse

The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness, for His namesake, He restores my soul. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.
— Psalm 23:1-4
Jared & Viviana Ramos