Week 2: Music to Our Ears - August 19-23
Week 2: Music to Our Ears
Week 2 saw our Seeds and Oaks students getting into their History Timelines, enjoying Science fun, and some new classes (like music), while the Garden students enjoyed painting (and playing!)
Scroll to each section to see suggested readings for this week and review this week’s memory work.
The Garden
What a lovely first week at the Garden! We began our days singing our days of creation song and learning about the things God creates. On Tuesday, we learned that God made the light, the seas, skies, sun, moon and stars in the first four days. On Thursday, we focused on the birds, fish, and animals He made on the fifth and sixth days. Gillian exclaimed “Everything that God made is good!” We love emphasizing this vital truth and rejoice when the children express it with such joy. During activity time we painted the seas and skies and practiced how to change colors on Thursday while we added some birds and fish to our paintings. We also played in the kitchen and used play-doh. Outside the children are having a great time spotting things that God made in creation. We also loved collecting flowers and leaves in the big park. The new group has adapted really well to being together and are learning all about the new routines and schedule.
Mr. Jared introduced the concept of the Biblical timeline during worship as we started to place the events we’ve read about in Genesis so far into a big timeline. From Adam and Eve to Noah, we saw how despite the sin of man, God showed His grace towards humanity. The kids continued reviewing these events during a relay race activity in the park and finally began making their own timelines in class. This helped “warm” the students moved and grooved once again in Mrs. Michelle’s fitness class later in the week.
In music class we had a great time getting to know each other! We read Psalm 40:3 and talked about how the psalmist recognized that God created us with the ability to sing. He put a song in our mouths! And just not any song, but a song of praise, to worship Him!
In the younger group, we had so much fun learning each students’ favorite instruments and also reading together the beautiful song-book, “Who sang the first song?” by Ellie Holcomb.
The older Seeds students enjoyed learning each other’s favorite song as well! We also *listened* (something very important in music class!) to the song we will be learning these next weeks: “Tell the Story” by Kingdom Kids and Shane and Shane.
This year's science course is a survey of all the days of creation. We will study all the things that God created in the order He created them. Our first stop was of course, LIGHT! We learned that light is not white but made up of all the colors of the rainbow.
We enjoyed using a CD and a flashlight to demonstrate how the light splits into the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet! Every child had a chance to shine the flashlight on the CD and have a rainbow reflected on the ceiling or the wall. We learned a fun acronym to help us remember the colors of the rainbow.It is the name of an imaginary character called "Mr. White Light" or ROY G. BIV. On Thursday, we had the opportunity to do a similar experiment but this time we went outside and had the sun shine through a prism. We went out in small groups and the groups had to work together to create the effect. Finally, we learned that the fact that all the colors are contained in light is essential for how we see colors in things. We learned that white objects reflect all the colors, while black objects absorb all the colors. Most importantly, we learned through an experiment that objects will reflect the color that they are and absorb the colors that they are not. For example, an apple is red because red reflects off of it and into our eyes while all the other colors of the rainbow are absorbed. We saw in our experiment how the red paper reflected red light when the flashlight hit it!
ReadingS for Week 2
Genesis 2:4 through Genesis 8:17
DK Illustrated Bible pages 24-33 (new!)
OAKS - Middle and High School
The Oaks are really leaning into their call to serve this week. They have been great at helping with the worship time, being assistants in the Seeds science class and in playing with the younger students during the second park time. They are being great role models for our younger students.
In Biology class, the Oaks students have been diligently studying the NSSR method of note-taking and learning all about test preparation and test taking. They are eager to dive into the rest of the content of the class so they can put their newly learned skills into practice.
As for History, the students should look at the “Streams of Civilization” book they have at home to reinforce some of the concepts we were learning through the timeline.
ReadingS for This Week
Genesis 2:4 through Genesis 8:17
Online Science Lessons (continue to login to platform)
Streams of Civilization: pages 32-33 (new!)
Full-day high-schoolers: continue with weekly lesson plan.
Memory Verse #1 (extended)
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”