Week 3: Towers and Tons of Fun - August 26-30
Week 3: Towers and Tons of Fun
The Oaks students share their work with Mrs. Catherine as they prepare for a rousing game of Biology “Jeopardy.” This was one of the fun times had this week by the kids in the Garden, Seeds and Oaks programs this week.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
The Garden
This was our final week discussing the days of creation. The children have enjoyed learning the Genesis 1:1 song in English and love chomping away with the “Al Son del Cocodrilo” song. In worship, we learned that God made man and woman last and gave them dominion over the land and animals that He had made. He made a woman from the man and blessed both of them. We discussed how God wanted man and woman to fill the Earth. Family is God’s wonderful idea! I emphasized that God had made each and every one of them unique and placed them in the right family. We painted the land with trees, fruit, and flowers. In the big park, the kids started passing the ball to each other and playing soccer. I told them that the nets for our soccer goals had arrived and that maybe they could help Mr. Jean set them up.Emiliano and Cesare helped out gladly. They had a great time kicking the ball during their second outdoor time. On Thursday, we spoke about God’s special day of rest. God rested because his work was complete, and very good, not because He was tired. God wants us to separate a day to remember all that He has done for us and to make it special. Later, Emma taught the students how to play a fun new board game with a dragon named Ruby that needs to collect different gems. The dragon has the shape of a scissor and helps with strengthening the muscles for cutting activities. Even Mr. Jean joined in on the fun!. We also opened the rice table where the kids were able to bury and find different small animals that God created.
This week, we will begin our letters and themes for the year as laid out in the My Father’s World Kindergarten Curriculum. This week, we will be focusing on “S” for “sun” and that “Jesus is the light of the world.”
Our Worship time this week brought us to the time after the great flood and the events of the Tower of Babel. In both stories, we saw God’s great faithfulness to accomplish his purposes and also His great power. We learned in History that it was after the time of the Tower of Babel, that larger civilizations began to develop in the area of Mesopotamia, specifically around the Fertile Crescent. We learned why this was such an important area in the development of these groups, such as the ancient Sumerians. We also learned how to draw a map of the area, which is such an important skill for us as we study the Biblical events. In our opening meeting on Tuesday, we also celebrated Hallel’s birthday this week. In Science this week, we began by taking time to finish our first journal notes regarding light and all the colors of the rainbow being contained in it. We wondered about the colors of light and what happens to the light that is absorbed by an object. Does it just disappear? To answer that question, we needed to learn more about light. We discussed that light is a form of energy, and since God put all the energy in the world from the moment He created it, energy cannot be created or destroyed (the Law of Conservation of Energy). Therefore, the light that is absorbed doesn't disappear, but instead gets converted into a different kind of energy. We went outside to observe a demonstration that I had set up for them. There was a white trash bag and a black trash bag that had been taped to a piece of the wall where the sun could hit it. The children placed their hands on both of the bags at once to determine which one was hotter. The black bag was hotter. Since they had learned that black absorbs the colors of light, it was a great starting point for Thursday's discussion.
On Thursday, we talked about the radiant energy from the sun being converted into thermal energy (heat). In the same way our body uses the chemical energy found in food and converts it into mechanical energy so we can do all of our work (including sleeping). The older students went outside to use a magnifying glass and concentrate the radiant energy from the sun to see it be quickly converted into thermal energy as the paper heated up and started to smoke! The younger students wanted to explore the rainbow resources in the classroom and had an opportunity for open play in our beloved block area.
And as always, the kids had a great time, playing games like Duck, Duck, Goose with Mr. Jared, drawing with chalk in the parking lot, and of course in the music and physical education classes as you can see in the photos below.
ReadingS for Week 2
Genesis 8:18-9:19, Genesis 10 and Genesis 11:1-9
DK Illustrated Bible pages 34-37
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 16-18 (new!)
If using the older version of the Usborne "Ancient World," then those readings are found on pages 6-8 "The First Civilization/Cities” and “Crafts and Trade."
OAKS - Middle and High School
The Oaks were integrated more into the worship time this week as they helped Mr. Jared teach the SEEDS their Memory Verse from 2 Timothy 3:16-17. This is part of the “Service Project” which is an element of their curriculum this year. In addition to this, the students assist in one of the park times and in one of the science classes with Mrs. Vivi. Mateo also led the group in our closing prayer last Thursday. They are truly applying what many of them have learned about service over the last few years.
In History, the students have been working on summaries of the Old Testament stories we have covered so far, with the goal of telling the accounts in their own words, while being thorough, brief and compelling. This is not an easy thing to do, but as you see in some of the photos below, they gave it a shot and even read them out in front of their peers. It is great to see how much they are bonding, even when things are challenging. In Biology, the students shared their vocabulary writing assignments, which also stretched them in new ways. But overall, they are having a good time and are growing more and more each week.
ReadingS for This Week
Genesis 8:18-9:19, Genesis 10 and Genesis 11:1-9
Usborne World History from Ancient to Modern times pages 16-18 (new!)
Streams of Civilization pages 33-36, 42-45
Online Science Lessons (continue to login to platform)
Full-day high-schoolers: continue with weekly lesson plan.
Memory Verse #1 (extended)
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”