Week 1: Taking Off! - August 15
Week 1: Taking Off!
It was an exciting start to our program year as we welcomed our new and returning students. The Garden, Seeds and Oaks are off to a great start and we are thrilled to be working with these wonderful families.
Scroll to the very end of the page to get to know some of the staff this year.
The Garden
It was a great day as we laughed, played and got to know each other. Welcome Isabella and Jonah to the group! Emma and Mr. Jean introduced the new students to the Big Park and the kids enjoyed singing together and drawing their family members during art time.
We welcomed several new SEEDS into the program this year and much of our time was spent getting to know each other and discussing our theme for the year “Creation to the Greeks.” With the help of our Oaks students (who you can see in one of the photos praying over the students at the end of the day), Mrs. Vivi told the Genesis account of Creation in Worship. then it was on to snack and park, followed by our History, Science and time of Physical Education. We welcome Mrs. Michelle, who will be leading that class this year. There are some great pictures below from last Thursday’s class.
ReadingS for Week 1
Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-3
OAKS - Middle and High School
Introducing 9th grade!!!! The Oaks has now expanded into High School and it is unbelievable to see just how much these students have grown. They will now be taking an online Biology component, which will be moderated by Mrs. Catherine and continue in deeper studies of Bible, History and arts subjects. They will also be participating in a Physical Education session on Thursdays with Mrs. Michelle and serving the Seeds Program students in rotations. A busy, but exciting schedule for this group!
ReadingS for This Week
Genesis 1:1-31; 2:1-3
Online Science Lessons (login to platform)
High School students refer to Lesson Plan Book (Week 2)
Memory Verse #1
“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,”
Welcome Staff!
We are so grateful to our staff this year: we welcome back Jean Requena (Assistant Manager) and Emily Aviles (Music) along with our new instructors, Catherine Guerrero (Oaks Science Tutor) and Michelle Ocasio (Physical Education).
Here’s a helpful attachment for you parents from Michelle (click on the image to download PDF)