Week 14: Thankful for Living Free
Week 14: Thankful for Living Free
The kids had a great time as Mrs. Michelle held Physical Education class outdoors, enjoying the sun and fresh air. Looking up at the clear blue skies and the birds flying high, reminds us of the freedom that our Lord gives us through Jesus Christ. We also explored the theme of freedom in worship as we finally read (and acted out) how the Lord delivered His people out of Egypt.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
Two of the Garden kids enjoy some soccer at the big park on a beautiful sunny day.
This week, we began to retell the events that led to the birth of Jesus. We learned that God sent prophets to tell about the Messiah that was to be born, a rescuer who would deliver not only the people of Israel, but every person who would believe in Him. We learned about a great prophet named Isaiah who foretold that the Savior would be born from a virgin and that he would be called Immanuel, which means “God with us.” Isaiah also said that he would be like a light shining in the darkness.
During activity time, we introduced a new resource to review making letters: the wooden letter pieces from Learning Without Tears. Uppercase letters can be made using four pieces: Big Line, Little Line, Big Curve, and Little Curve. After learning the names of the pieces, we used our letter cards to review the letters we had learned so far. When a child got the card, they were challenged to make the sound of the letter and then proceed to choose the correct letter pieces to make the letter. Additionally, the children had a chance to paint. They chose the colors and what they wanted to paint. Many of them chose to paint the sky and ocean. We also enjoyed the sand table. On Thursday, the stations were open and the children could choose where they wanted to spend their time. The girls loved to make detailed drawings and the boys enjoyed building a big and safe structure together. Over the two days we read a very sweet book by Max Lucado called The Crippled Lamb.
This week, we honored Alicia for her birthday.
In our time of Worship at Seeds, Mrs. Vivi reviewed the plagues of Egypt that came down in response to Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Hebrews go. We learned how the final sign, the Passover, was an act of faith in which those who believed God placed their trust in the blood of the lamb that was slain. Anaiah represented people who placed their trust in God and she was covered by the red sheet (representing the blood). Those who believed God were spared from death. What a great picture of what Jesus has done for the world! For God so LOVED the world, that He sent His Son Jesus (the Lamb of God), so that WHOEVER would believe in Him would not perish, but have ETERNAL life! This is just one of many examples where we see the picture of the promise God has given. What an awesome God we serve. After learning about the Passover, we then acted out the escape from Egypt, as Moses and the Israelites safely crossed the sea, while the army of Pharaoh perished in the waters.
Finally, we finished learning our song about the Ten Commandments. You can scroll to the end to see all the lyrics.
Before moving on to the third day of creation in Science, we zoomed in on the properties of air. When we began to discuss the second day of creation, we learned that there was air separating the waters above from the waters below. On Tuesday, we did a few experiments to demonstrate the properties of air: air takes up space, air has weight, and air exerts pressure. First, we used a balloon to show that even though we cannot see air, it is there and it fills up the space. We saw this as the air in my lungs went inside the balloon. Second, we used that same balloon and placed it on a scale next to an empty balloon and noticed that the balloon that was filled with air was heavier than the empty balloon, proving that air has weight. Lastly, we did a super fun demonstration with a cup that was full of water. I covered it with a piece of cardboard and flipped the cup around. After a few seconds, I let go of the cardboard but the water did not come out as the air was pushing the cardboard up and holding it in place! Pretty amazing, huh?
On Thursday, we reviewed the properties of air and shifted our focus to air that moves: wind. Wind is so important to life on Earth but very strong wind can be destructive. We learned about tornadoes, cyclones, and hurricanes and watched a short video that showed us where and and how they form as well as their differences and similarities. When we return from the break, we will begin our study on the third day of creation: land and plants.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Exodus 12-16
DK Illustrated Bible
pp. 74-75
OAKS - Middle and High School
In addition to acting as our Egyptians in Worship this week, the Oaks celebrated the full return of Bayoan, who completed his first full week with us in the program. What a blessing to see what God has done in his life. An amazing testimony to us all as we study the great signs and wonders of God and are actually witnessing them with our own eyes in his life.
The HS Oaks this week had a great assignment of writing their very own original Psalms this week. We discussed how some Psalms are placed into categories based on the theme of the psalm. And during this writing assignment, we got a special visit from Bunny Bunny, a pet of one of our Garden students! What a great way to get inspired through one of God’s amazing creatures.
In Biology, the students got to dissect and sketch the parts of a hibiscus flower. They were at least able to see the pistil, anther, and petals. We also talked about plant tropisms like phototropism-an example of which is when sunflowers face the sun. And it was so wonderful to have Bayo back in class with us again!
ReadingS for This Week
HS FULL DAY - No work this week
BIBLE: Exodus 12-16
DK Illustrated Bible
pp. 74-75
Memorizing the Ten Commandments
You must not have any other gods but Me…
You must not make an idol or an image of anything in heaven, earth, or sea…
You must not use the name of the Lord in vain…
Remember to observe the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy…
You must honor your father and your mother, so you may live long in the land…
You must not murder…
You must not commit adultery…
You must not steal from others…
You must never, ever tell a lie…
You must not say, “I want, I want, I want.” That is called coveting.