WATER from the Well 2024-2025

Click on the dates below to find out what we're doing this week at The Well!

Week 15: Jesus is Our Tabernacle

Week 15: Jesus is Our Tabernacle

The Tabernacle as described in the Old Testament, was a place where the Glory of God descended, dwelt and where He met with His people. In this time of year, where many remember the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ, it was great to learn how every element of the Tabernacle pointed to this Savior, the Messiah, that was to come. Jesus is our dwelling place!

Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work

The tents of the 12 Tribes of Israel all faced the Tabernacle, reminding them to never turn their backs to God.


All of our programs met last week and are busily preparing for our final showcase on Thursday, December 19 at 4:00pm. The Garden kids were working on collage art, depicting the story of the birth of Jesus as told in the Gospels. They also enjoyed time on the new slide in the park and learning our song with Mr. Jean, who we honored this week for his birthday. The Seeds had a photo shoot of a book we’re making about the plagues of Egypt, while both the Seeds and Oaks students learned about God’s instructions for Moses and the people in building the Tabernacle. We spoke in History about the different elements that were part of the structure. We explored how they pointed to Jesus as the students built the structures out of paper together. And finally in Science, the Oaks practiced the classification of living things with Mrs. Catherine.

SEEDS and OAKS ReadingS for THE Week

  • BIBLE: Exodus 32-36; 40

  • DK Illustrated Bible

    • pp. 82-83

Memorizing the Ten Commandments

  1. You must not have any other gods but Me…

  2. You must not make an idol or an image of anything in heaven, earth, or sea…

  3. You must not use the name of the Lord in vain…

  4. Remember to observe the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy…

  5. You must honor your father and your mother, so you may live long in the land…

  6. You must not murder…

  7. You must not commit adultery…

  8. You must not steal from others…

  9. You must never, ever tell a lie…

  10. You must not say, “I want, I want, I want.” That is called coveting.

Friday, December 13, 2024 at 7:00pm

Click link above for more information

Jared & Viviana Ramos