Week 13: Let My People Go!
Week 13: Let My People Go!
This week, we began teaching through the plagues of Egypt and we have found that nothing is as exciting as acting out this drama with our students. The Oaks helped make this week’s storytelling extra special.
Scroll down to see More photos, suggested readings and the memory work
The Garden kids were fascinated to look at an excavator truck knock down some walls in the remodel of the church building. All from the safety of their little lookout!
“Praise him, praise him, all you little children. God is love, God is love…” These beautiful words were ringing through our classroom as we learned that all of creation praises the LORD! His Word teaches us in the book of psalms: “let everything that has breath praise the Lord!” We loved integrating instruments in our time of worship. Our letter this week was “O” and the kids had a great time hunting for the letter “o” on their shirts and in the classroom. When we came inside, we had a drawing activity that involved tracing around our hand with a marker in order to draw out the shape of an octopus’s tentacles. We later added the head, suction cups, and a face.
On Thursday, although our day was shorter than usual, the students took advantage of the extended park time. During our worship and storytime, we read a fantastic book about Fanny Crosby, the author of the hymn they are learning. Fanny loved to sing and write songs about Jesus. She wrote more than 5,000! What is especially amazing is that Fanny was blind since very early in her life, but she did not let that stop her. In fact, it made her even more passionate about Jesus. She said she was happy that the first thing she would see would be “the face of Jesus.”
This week:
Letter: Review of all letters (S, M, L, A, N, T, U, D,O)
Theme: “Messengers: The prophets and the angels begin to tell the the story of the birth of the Messiah”
The kids loved playing with the parachute outside with one of our assistants, Miss Ana.
In our time of Worship at Seeds, we continued to learn the 10 Commandments by focusing on the 7th and 8th commandments; we noticed that both of them talked about taking something that does not belong to us. We also continued in our reading of Exodus with Noah playing the part of Pharaoh alongside some of the Oaks.
In History, we looked at a slideshow that talked about what the Egyptians believed about gods and how the signs that Moses performed would have put into question each of their deities. While we were on Zoom on Thursday, we learned how to drawing a locust and one of their favorite foods, an ear of corn. This will help us as we return to making our book of the plagues when we get back to the center this week. Finally, everyone enjoyed moving a bit and learning about healthy eating on Thursday’s online class with Mrs. Michelle.
This week in Science, we made our final experiment in the study of water. After reviewing the properties of water, we highlighted the last property of water: water in the universal solvent. We watched a video that taught the children that in all creation, water is the substance that can dissolve the most things. This is due to another one of its properties: polarity. Water’s polarity makes it attract many substances, like slat. We dissolved a few things in water and then tried to do it with oil. As we noticed that it didn’t mix with water, I told them it was because certain substances are non polar, like oil, which makes them hydrophobic. Then, we worked in our journals to record our observations of the previous experiments. Then, we were able to test one of the properties further. We were able to see the amazing surface tension displayed by water. Since water likes to stay together, we observed using pennies and small droppers how we could pour drops on the penny and they would stay intact. As more drops were added, the drop on the penny got larger. It was so large that it even bulged out from the sides. I challenged the kids to see how many drops they could put on the penny, as I had been able to do 21 in my demonstration. It was very exciting to see the groups work together and challenge themselves. One group got to do over 60 small drops! It was amazing.
The youngest group was also able to play with drops of water on wax paper with plastic weaving needles. With the needles, they were able to bring the drops of water together to create a bigger drop. Then, to prove that water does not mix with substances that are non polar, I poured some oil on their wax paper. It was a fun, hands on activity.
ReadingS for THE Week
BIBLE: Exodus 6:28-12:30
DK Illustrated Bible
pp. 72-74
OAKS - Middle and High School
Attack of the flies! The 4th plague!
The Oaks were extremely helpful in Worship this week as they helped to tell the story of the Plagues of Egypt. In our History class, we did a deeper reading into the Exodus story as well as a close reading of some sources that told us about important Egyptian beliefs regarding their gods and religious practices. They also had some great outdoor fun with volleyball in the big park. On Thursday, the students participated in a fun online science game/review with Mrs. Catherine.
ReadingS for This Week
HS FULL DAY - See Weekly Plan Book
BIBLE: Exodus 6:28-12:30
DK Illustrated Bible
pp. 72-74
Memorizing the Ten Commandments
You must not have any other gods but Me…
You must not make an idol or an image of anything in heaven, earth, or sea…
You must not use the name of the Lord in vain…
Remember to observe the Sabbath Day, and keep it holy…
You must honor your father and your mother, so you may live long in the land…
You must not murder…
You must not commit adultery…
You must not steal from others…