WATER from the Well 2023-2024

Read about our most recent activities at The Well!

Week 34: May 20-24 - "All Ages and Stages"

“All Ages and Stages”

One of the blessings of multi-age learning in a homeschool environment, is the constant interactions between kids of many different ages. The older ones get the opportunity to love and serve, while the younger ones remind those older kids how much fun it is to play! We had several interactions like that this week during our Fun Fitness Day with Mrs. Michelle and a joint worship time between the Oaks and Garden Students. Read more below.


The Garden and Oaks End-of-the-Year Presentation: Thursday, May 23 at 3:15pm

SEEDS End-of-the-Year Presentation: Friday, May 24 at 4:00pm

Family Book Package Readings

The readings listed below are optional, but are great ways to reinforce the lessons taught during this week. The entire family, from the youngest to the oldest, can explore new topics and enjoy great stories together.

Our Family Memory Verse for this week can be found at the end of this page.

The Bible - the Book of Matthew

  • Matthew 28


This week we studied the plagues of Egypt. “No me gustan las ranas”, said Emiliano. We highlighted how Pharaoh’s heart was so hardened that he did not want to listen to God’s message. “El perdió su hijo por error”, said Gillian. This week the children volunteered to pray at the opening and closing assembly. These kids have become children of prayer. It encourages our hearts to hear them pray with such passion and faith. 

This week at the big park the children enjoyed blowing bubbles and imaginary play. This week was so hot that when we were walking back to our classroom Emiliano said, “Wow, parece que estamos en el desierto”. 

This week on Thursday, the children enjoyed our long day together. During park time, the children were pretending to play guitar while they sang “I Belong to the Lord,” running around the park. They enjoyed piecing puzzles together and building big buildings with the blocks.  

Some of our highlights this week was having quiet time/nap time. The children were excited to lay open their mats and get cozy without shoes in the classroom. One special moment was when the Oaks and Garden kids came together to practice a song, Miss Nicole could not hold back the tears. Another special surprise was having Shari the dog with us. Everyone enjoyed her that day. 

This has been a great school year. We cannot believe it is coming to an end already. We have such great memories and lessons together. Let’s see what God has for us this last week.



It is incredible to see how we have been able to cover the entire book of Matthew through our worship stories this year.  With only one chapter to go, this week we covered the crucifixion of Jesus.  We saw how many false witnesses came forward to testify against Him, and like a sheep led to the slaughter, he said not a word.  Even Pilate was perplexed by his lack of response after the accusations.  When given the choice to free Jesus, the people chose Barabbas instead.  Interestingly, the name Barabbas means “Son of the Father.”  But it was the TRUE Son of the Father in Heaven, that was handed over to be killed.  This was a somber story to share, but one that reminds us of the great gift we have been given: salvation through Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father and the perfect lamb of God.


In Geography class, we continued working on our student sheets related to Oceania and Australia.  The students had a great time looking at slang words in Australia that are used instead of some of the ones we are familiar with here.  For example, “Hey bloke, see you in the avo at the barbie!  I’ll bring some sangers” means “Hey man, see you in the afternoon at the barbeque!  I’ll bring some sandwiches.”  Each kid had the chance to look at the list of words and make up their own sentences.  The older groups got to write short stories with them.  These were a lot of fun. 


We began our last stop in Science this year by enjoying the movie/documentary March of the Penguins. The kids loved watching the penguins lining up and sliding down the ice to arrive at the right location and find a mate. We will continue to watch and hopefully finish the movie this week.


This week we finished our aboriginal art pieces. The kids were truly focused and enjoyed stamping the patterns with the different colors and q-tips. It was a bittersweet moment when we realized that this was the last art piece of the year. Thankfully, we have a lot to look forward to next year!



Our Oaks students were able to have a time to get into some deep discussion about Matthew 27.  It was interesting to examine the events leading up to Judas’ death.  He was clearly remorseful for what he had done, but instead of seeking refuge and forgiveness in God, he went to the Pharisees, who only loaded him up with more guilt and shame.  The kids talked about this and were challenged to always seek God alone when he sin against Him.  He is the only One who can truly forgive us and can cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we confess our sins before Him.


Our final stop this year was in Antarctica! We began by comparing the Arctic and the Antarctica regions. Although people may group them together, there are significant differences. We enjoyed discussing the different types of penguins and began watching a video detailing some Antarctic expeditions.


We have been studying the many island nations and territories that make up the area of Oceania.  One of these places, New Caledonia, is still a territory of France, unlike many of the other islands that have already gained their independence.  This week in the news, we saw how there are riots happening on the island between those who desire independence and those who want New Caledonia, located between Australia and Fiji, to remain under French control.  

One of the things we enjoy about studying all these places is pretending to get on a plane to travel to these countries and get our passports stamped.  Esteban brought his foam airplane glider and we took the opportunity to fly it around the park, while the girls enjoyed swinging on the whirligig. 


The students jumped right in to finish their aboriginal art pieces. They were able to design the patterns they wanted to include and which colors to do that with as well. I truly loved their work!

Memory Verse #32

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
— Matthew 28:18-20
Jared & Viviana Ramos