Week 33: May 13-17 - "Time to Fly"
“Time to Fly”
In their study of insects, the Garden students had a great time drawing butterflies and even pretending to be them out in the playground. Meanwhile the Oaks and Seeds students have “flown” to the last continent we will be studying this year: Australia and Oceania! Read below for more.
The Garden and Oaks End-of-the-Year Presentation: Thursday, May 23 at 3:15pm
SEEDS End-of-the-Year Presentation: Friday, May 24 at 4:00pm
Family Book Package Readings
The readings listed below are optional, but are great ways to reinforce the lessons taught during this week. The entire family, from the youngest to the oldest, can explore new topics and enjoy great stories together.
Our Family Memory Verse for this week can be found at the end of this page.
The Bible - the Book of Matthew
Matthew 27:1-26
Matthew 27: 27-61
Window on the World
pp. 136-137 Samoans
This week in The Garden we talked about honey and John the baptist. No one dared imagine trying insects with honey, but they were given the chance to taste honey by itself. “The Word of God is sweet as honey” was what everyone had to say before tasting the honey.
Since we are learning that insects are symmetrical, the kids had a chance to practice their drawing skills by finishing half of a bear, butterfly and bee. For park time, they loved dressing up as butterflies and even made themselves into a cocoon.
We have been emphasizing being like ants: hard workers and working together as a team. This week we were blessed to see how from their own initiative, the children were working on building together and making up stories during block time.
This week in our worship time we were able to finish Matthew chapter 26. Here, we finally came to the moment where Jesus was betrayed by Judas and he was arrested and brought for questioning to Caiaphas. Although the disciples refused to believe that they would ever betray Jesus, we saw that all of them fled and left Jesus alone. This was something important for us to think about. Even though we all desire to follow Christ, sometimes hard situations can cause us to be afraid. We prayed that the Holy Spirit would give us his power and his strength to be courageous in all situations and always walk after Jesus. Our prayer is to remain with Him and in Him at all times.
Congratulations also to Jeremías, who was honored this week for his birthday.
Our Geography class was really fun this week as we began to explore Australia and the other nations that make up Oceania. We looked at all the amazing animals and different types of food that are in New Zealand. In addition, we identified different types of islands that exist in this region of the world, like Continental Islands, low islands and high islands.
For our second part of our study on coral reefs, we looked at the different formations that coral reefs can make. We learned about atolls, fringing, and barrier reefs. Then, we headed on a “virtual” field trip to explore the beauty of the biggest reef in the entire world, the great barrier reef in Australia. We marveled at the Lord’s handiwork within this massive structure that can be seen from outer space.
On Friday, we learned more about the animals that live on the reef and paid particular attention to the weedy sea dragon that lives off the coast of Australia. These creatures are simply mesmerizing! They are similar to sea horses, but have a beauty all their own with their varied colors, long tails and parts that look like wings. The older group had an opportunity to do a quick sketch of them in their notebooks.
As our final art project of the year, we began to work on a piece inspired by Australian aboriginal art. This beautiful art form is one of the oldest and is characterized by dot patterns in earth tones. We looked at several pictures and I invited the students to choose a shape that they wanted to feature in their project. We drew and cut out the figures and glued them on the construction paper of their choice. This week, we will decorate their work with paint and q-tips.
For our second part of our study on coral reefs, we looked at the different formations that coral reefs can make. We learned about atolls, fringing, and barrier reefs. Then, we headed on a “virtual” field trip to explore the beauty of the biggest reef in the entire world, the great barrier reef in Australia. We marveled at the Lord’s handiwork within this massive structure that can be seen from outer space. We also spoke about the coral reefs in Puerto Rico and conservation efforts to preserve them.
On Tuesday the Oaks students held their class on Zoom. This was a fun day since we were able to do lots of activities that utilized objects found at home. During geography class The Oaks students were challenged to find items in their house that were edible and could be used to create different types of islands that are found in Oceania. We had a great time making these delicious treats while learning all about the geography of the South pacific.
Our time outside was a lot of fun. Esteban discovered a Cuban tree Frog hiding below some of the park equipment and Olivia, Joshua and Mateo demonstrated a new theater improve skit that they learned at the homeschool convention.
As our final art project of the year, we began to work on a piece inspired by Australian aboriginal art. This beautiful art form is one of the oldest and is characterized by dot patterns in earth tones. We looked at several pictures and I invited the students to choose a shape that they wanted to feature in their project. We drew and cut out the figures and glued them on the construction paper of their choice. This week, we will decorate their work with paint and q-tips.
Memory Verse #31
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...”