Week 19: February 7-11 - Drawing Water
Drawing Water
We love our well. Here the Garden students take time to do some observational drawings of the well on a breezy morning.
This is the FINAL WEEK the SEEDS Program will be in our HYBRID stage. Final online class will be this Wednesday. Friday will be IN-PERSON. ALL PARENTS (Both GARDEN and SEEDS) should remember to fill out the weekly survey online before arriving at the Center.
Please click the button below to access the classes via ZOOM on Wednesday from 1:00-4:00pm.
REMEMBER that we will be having make up classes for both the Garden and Seeds next week in lieu of our scheduled break on the calendar:
GARDEN - Tuesday 2/22 and Thursday 2/24;
SEEDS - Wednesday 2/23 (Not on Friday)
And finally…SAVE THE DATE: Field trip - March 11! Scroll to the bottom of the page for more info…
Alicia and Estrella: An enactment of Jesus rescuing Peter from the waters.
Science experiments with Miss Nicole
This week at the Garden we continued with our theme: Jesus, our living water. On Tuesday we studied the Bible story of Peter walking on the water in the middle of a storm towards Jesus. When Peter stopped focusing on Jesus, he started to sink. We learned that we need to focus on Jesus always and He will calm the storms if we call on him in faith. We also sang the new song “I've Got Peace Like a River”, for Jesus gives peace to our souls. During activity time, the children drew with Mrs. Vivi and did an experiment with Miss Nicole using shaving cream and food coloring. For the experiment, the kids recreated clouds using shaving cream and rain with food coloring drops. The children observed how the colors started mixing and shared their observations. “Es una explosión verde”, said one of the kids. They enjoyed exploring the end product with their hands. Later on we went to the big park where the children learned how to play Duck Duck Goose. We had a blast!
For worship on Thursday, Mrs. Vivi taught the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet. She emphasized how Jesus served his friends with love and we need to follow his example. During activity time, the children had drama time with Mrs. Vivi where the kids re-enacted the scene of Jesus with his disciples. Mrs. Vivi congratulated the kids because they shared so well, took turns and were kind to one another, just like they had learned earlier that morning during worship. They also played with blocks and enjoyed reading books.
Thank you Jesus for being the refreshing, life-giving water to our spirits!
One group showing their poster: The Light of God
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Elisha showing her Science journal.
The Seeds Program has created three mini-groups! We finished our study of the title Son of Man last week and also had the chance to present the names that each mini group came up with. The 7-8 year old group called themselves, “The Light of God.” The 9-10 year olds are “Paloma de Paz” and the 11-12 year old group are “The Lions of Judah.” These were the first creative projects the groups did in their new studio time sessions, led by our assistants Miss Ana and Miss Yessenia.
In Science, almost at the end of our study of invertebrates. On Wednesday, we took some time to review the invertebrate phyla we had learned about so far: arthropods and mollusca. Then we learned about Echinoderms (sea urchins, sea stars, sand dollars) as well as Cnidarians (jelly fish, coral, sea anemones). The children were enthralled by the lion’s mane jellyfish and had many questions about these fascinating creatures. We learned about their unique lifecycle and saw a video of the “birth” of a young medusa. We also explored the spiny-skinned creatures in the phylum Echinodermata. We learned about the interesting way they move using an efficient water vascular system. This week we will learn about Worms and Sponges.
Just hanging out! So much fun together in the big park.
And finally In History, we talked about the people and events that were most influential in leading up to the American Revolution. Men like Daniel Boone used their skills and love for the land to explore new places, while others used those same things to begin fighting for what would become a new country. We talke about the Boston Tea Party and the very important Battle at Bunker Hill. The students re-enacted this battle on the hill right beside the playground and that was a lot of fun.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
God’s Guide to Animals
pp. 20-22
Check out the video that is the Bunker Hill episode of "Liberty Kids.” (about 30 minutes). This will give you some more details about the famous battle we spoke about on Friday.
For online this week, we will be using some basic materials and videos, since the children brought their main items back to the Center.
This Week’s Gallery
Save the Date!! Field trip to Jardín Botánico de Caguas
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022
Time: 10:30am-1:30pm
Cost: $6.00- Students, $5.00 - Adults, $4.00- Seniors (60+)
More details coming soon!