
Summer Arts Program and 2021-2022

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Week 18: February 1-4 - SEEDS grow fast!

SEEDS grow fast!

This is a picture of our oldest group. Three years ago when we started, they were so tiny and now…look at them! Being away for a few weeks made our re-gathering even more exciting, but shocking too as we realized how quickly the time is passing and how quickly our SEEDS are growing. Check out the GALLERY at the bottom of the page to see more photos of SEEDS and the GARDEN.

The SEEDS Program will again be HYBRID this week. Online class on Wednesday only, Friday IN-PERSON. Please click the button below to access the classes via ZOOM on Wednesday from 1:00-4:00pm.

ALL PARENTS (Both GARDEN and SEEDS) should remember to fill out the weekly survey online before arriving at the Center.

Miss Nicole working on some animal drawings with the kids.


This week was very special.  We have a new student at the Garden: welcome Matías! The children are very happy to have him join us and so are his teachers. 

We continued our theme this week of Jesus as our living water.  We studied Namaan’s story in the Bible and how God healed him through his washing (seven times!) in the Jordan River.  Mrs. Vivi also taught the Bible story about Jesus calming the wind and the waves and we learned that Jesus gives us peace in the midst of many different types of storms.  Mrs. Vivi asked the children what they thought “peace” was, and they began to share some pretty amazing descriptions. Elena said, “calma” and Edén said, “estar tranquilo y con confianza”. They are so right! Putting our trust in Jesus will give us peace no matter what we face in life. 


In addition to all of this, we got to play at the big park, do an experiment with ice, play with blocks and paint with watercolors. We had so much fun together, as usual!


Our first snack time in the Big Park after being online for a few weeks, welcoming new students Stella and Saul.


For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
— Mark 10:45

The Seeds Program is back in person (at least partially). We were so excited to be back at the Center on Friday while we continue doing our online component on Wednesdays for now. In worship, we are now looking at Jesus as “the Son of Man,” a title He used to describe Himself over 70 times! We welcomed Saul and Stella to the program, as we all began our study of February’s hymn, “His Mercy is More.” We also honored Noah as he celebrated his birthday last Wednesday. In History, we continued to look at the life of George Washington, learning a bit more about the famous figures that lived in his time, two of which were Austrian musician, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya. The kids used Goya’s painting as an inspiration for their own work.

A giant squid sketched out to size in the parking lot…hands-on Zoology!

In Science, we finished our overview of Arthropods this week by learning about Crustaceans. The children learned about the characteristics of crustaceans and what makes them different from arachnids, myriapods, and insects. We also enjoyed a beautiful video of hermit crabs lining up to exchange their shells. On Friday, we moved to the next phylum of invertebrates called Mollusca. We learned about the three classes within the phylum Mollusca: Gastropods (snails, slugs,hermit crabs), Bivalves (clams, oysters, mussels), and Cephalopods (squids, octopuses, nautilus). We went outside to measure how big the giant squid could be. The kids were amazed when they measured 60 feet in the parking lot. Some even got a chance to draw out the squid with chalk. So incredible!

Supplemental Readings for SEEDS

  • God’s Guide to Animals

    • pp.12-13, 80-81


    • For online this week, we will be using some basic materials and videos, since the children brought their main items back to the Center.

  • THIS FRIDAY, Seeds will again be AT THE WELL, in-person, so don’t forget to bring your backpack along with your snack and water.

Jared & Viviana Ramos