Week 17: January 24-28 - At the Well
At the Well
The SEEDS Program will be MOVE TO HYBRID this week. Online class on Wednesday only, Friday IN-PERSON. Please click the button below to access the classes via ZOOM on Wednesday from 1:00-4:00pm.
ALL PARENTS (Both GARDEN and SEEDS) should remember to fill out the weekly survey online before arriving at the Center. We look forward to seeing both the Garden and Seeds kids this week.
Finally, we are so excited to welcome three new students to the Well Center for the Arts: Matías, who will be joining the Garden group, and Stella and Saul who will be part of SEEDS. Bienvenidos amigos!
Miss Vivi teaches about Jesus and the woman at the well.
This week at worship, we were studying how Jesus is our living water. Just as plants need water to live and grow, our spirits need Jesus. We learned of the story in Exodus where no matter what God did, the Israelites still complained to God and to Moses. But even then, God was gracious and provided water to the people, by Moses striking a rock.
We also studied the story in John about the Samaritan woman at the well and how Jesus offered her the water she needed so that she didn't thirst any more. We learned a new song: Deep and Wide. It describes the fountain of living water that Jesus is for our spirits and lives.
The children continued to develop their artistic skills as they drew different animals with Miss Vivi’s help. The drawings turned out awesome! The children also made sensory bottles with Miss Nicole. They gathered the things from the garden they wanted to place inside the bottles, and continued from there. They enjoyed the end result of their creations very much.
During activity time in the block area, the children were extra loving as they shared the materials so well and spoke very kindly to each other. Good job everyone!
Elisha’s clay centipede.
“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Kaylee presenting her “Johnny Cakes.”
The Seeds Program continued online this past week and we had some hands-on fun together. In History, we learned more about the time period George Washington lived in and were able to practice some exercises that men in his army would have done to keep in shape. On Friday, we played a review games about some important people from that era and also had a cooking class! The kids made Johnny Cakes at home with their parents, a cornmeal pancake that is both simple to make and yummy to eat. Check out some of the culinary masterpieces in the photos in the gallery.
In Science, we continued looking at arthropods this week, making emphasis on the Arachnid and Myriapod classes. On Wednesday, we saw an interesting video about the largest terrestrial spider, the Goliath bird-eating spider. We sketched some spiders and scorpions in our journals as we reviewed the differences between insects and arachnids. On Friday, we learned that myriapod means “many feet” and examined the differences between centipedes and millipedes. We concluded our class by recording what we learned in our journals as well as sculpting centipedes and millipedes. It was hard work to sculpt all those tiny legs but the kids persevered and made beautiful creations with play doh, pipe cleaners, and toothpicks.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
God’s Guide to Animals
p. 60-63
As always, the following materials are needed for all the classes:
A bag of art supplies that includes watercolors, crayons, pipe cleaners, clay, pencils and more
Their binder that includes materials for worship time, their science journal, and their history student sheets and timelines
THIS FRIDAY, Seeds will be AT THE WELL, in-person, so don’t forget to bring all your materials with you in your backpack along with your snack and water.