
Summer Arts Program and 2021-2022

Click on a date below to see the week’s newsletter

Week 16: January 17-21 - The Way, the Truth, and the Life

The Way, the Truth, and the Life

The SEEDS Program will be ONLINE this week. Please click the button below to access the classes via ZOOM on Wednesday and Friday from 1:00-4:00pm.

My, how our GARDEN has grown!


Making works of art!

Elena and Juan Diego at the clay station

At last, we are baaaack!!! This week the teachers and children at the Garden were so joyful and thankful to be able to be back together even though we had to change up our routine a little bit. 

This week we continued learning about the story in the Bible of Jesus’ birth and the awful King Herod. We spoke about the wise men that followed the star and brought three gifts to King Jesus. We discussed how when Jesus was born, there was a decree that stated that all baby boys under three years old must be killed. An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to flee to Egypt with Mary and Jesus.  When king Herod died, the angel told Joseph it was safe to leave Egypt, and so they went to Nazareth. 

Mrs. Vivi in worship time also taught the Garden children a new song.  Ask the children to sing it for you! (Hint: I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Where?) 

The children had a very fun time playing in the big park. They laughed, ran, and swung very high on the swing. The children also had a fine time drawing some of their favorite things from the Christmas break. The kids also got to play frisbee, blocks and kitchen.  What a week!

Finally, we read and discussed the book: The Crippled Lamb. The kids learned in the story that no matter what our physical state may be, God has a plan, purpose and a place for every single person.

Again, please remember to fill out the weekly survey online before arriving at the Center. We look forward to seeing you all this week.



Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
— John 14:6

Students share prayer requests to Jesus: the Good Teacher

The Seeds Program once again met online this week as we continued our study in Worship time of Jesus as “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” We were able to celebrate Roi, who turned 10 this month, and present to him his birthday book, “The Friend who Forgives.” This story, which highlights Jesus’ restored relationship with Peter after the Resurrection, reminded us that Jesus always desired to teach his disciples in truth. Peter, along with Thomas in John 14, and us today, are reminded of the TRUTH that Jesus is the Way and in Him, there is Life.

In Science class, we said goodbye to vertebrates and began our overview of the remaining 8 phyla, all of which are made up on invertebrates. Arthropods were up first. We learned the characteristics as well as the 4 classes of arthropods: insects, crustaceans, arachnids, and myriapods. We sculpted insects with playdoh and pipe cleaners to internalize their anatomy and drew pictures in our journals of complete and/or incomplete metamorphosis.

In History class, we continued our study of the 18th Century, discussing the influence that war had on the formation of the United States of America. The many wars and conflicts in Europe naturally spilled over into the colonies of America and set the stage for new leaders to rise, specifically the man who would be the first President of the United States: George Washington.

Supplemental Readings for SEEDS

  • The Last 500 Years

    • P. 19 - Only the War of Succession; check out some of the videos related to this week’s topic at the following link: Usborne Quicklinks

  • God’s Guide to Animals

    • p. 36-39



      • For History/studio time (culinary arts) you will need the following ingredients:

        • cornmeal, sugar, salt, butter, water

    • As always, the following materials are needed for all the classes:

      • A bag of art supplies that includes watercolors, crayons, pipe cleaners, clay, pencils and more

      • Their binder that includes materials for worship time, their science journal, and their history student sheets and timelines

Jared & Viviana Ramos