Week 14: November 28 - December 1 - "Road Tripping through Europe"
Road Tripping through Europe
We are so thankful for the wonderful break we had last week, but are excited and ready to begin another great stretch at The Garden, Seeds and the Oaks programs. This week, we continue our journey through Europe, crossing over the Alps from France into Italy. Buongiorno!
Tour of Italy
This week our travels in Geography take us to the beautiful Italian peninsula!
READINGS FOR THE WEEK - Family Book Package
The readings listed below are optional, but are great ways to reinforce the lessons taught at the center and for the entire family to explore together the topics we cover from week to week.
Our Memory verse can be found at the end of this page.
The Bible - the Book of Matthew
Window on the World
pp. 170-171 (Ukraine)
Children’s Atlas to God’s World
pp. 32 - Italy
Additional Read-Alouds:
pp. 164-175: William Tyndale
The Usborne Living World Encyclopedia
pp. 116-117
The Garden, Seeds and Oaks Programs resume this Tuesday and Wednesday
Below is a picture of some of our Seeds students with the Eiffel Tower drawings they made in studio time. This week, they say “au revoir” to France and “Ciao” to Italy. In class, they will be studying about some of the most famous artists of all time.
Memory Verse #12
“Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.””