Break Week: November 20-24 - "Thanksgiving Break Week"
“Thanksgiving Break Week”
Enjoy your week off everybody! We will see you all back on November 28 and 29!
Good News
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son…what more do we need to give thanks for?
READINGS FOR THE WEEK - Family Book Package
The readings listed below are optional, but are great ways to reinforce the lessons taught at the center and for the entire family to explore together the topics we cover from week to week.
Our Memory verse can be found at the end of this page.
The Bible - the Book of Matthew
Matthew 8:28 - 9:17
Children’s Atlas of God’s World
pp. 34-37
Window on the World
pp. 10-11 (Albania)
Additional Read-Alouds:
Missionary Biography: George Mueller
Hero Tales: pp. 116-127 (Menno Simons)
We are preparing for the story of Jesus’ birth in worship time. We talked about Isaiah, a prophet God chose as a messenger to announce the coming of the Messiah. This is what Isaiah said: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them a great light has shined”.
That was the promise the people were waiting for. One day the Rescuer of the world would be born…the Light was coming…and they people would finally see Him.
“Gloooooooooooria, in excelsis Deo,” as our new song says. Ask your children to teach it to you.
The kids just love the water table. This week they played with water beads in the water station. Estela and Gillian were filling up their cups with the beads. “One for you, one for me”, said Gillian to Estela as she helped fill her cup. During park time, we got to play with the colorful parachute. They loved getting under the parachute together.
Finally, this week the children had the opportunity to get creative and decorate their own picture frames. We are so thankful for the friends (children and parents) God has given us in The Garden this year.
This week at Seeds and Oaks, we were wrapping up our study of France by sampling Brie cheese and making drawings of the Eiffel Tower. The students had a great time learning about life of kids in Paris through a video we watched and learning to count to ten in French. In fact, as they entered Mrs. Vivi’s classroom, they were surprised to find her speaking to them in nothing but French. Oo la la!
For our time in Worship, we continued hearing about Jesus as he performed great miracles using the power and authority given to Him by the Father. We also reviewed the hymns we will be performing at our final presentation.
And with the beautiful days God blessed us with this week, we had great times in the park, reading, playing kickball, soccer, and just enjoying the trees and fresh air. So many things in God’s creation to be thankful for.
Memory Verse #11
“But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”