Week 33: It is Finished! (Almost)
WEEK 33: It is Finished! (Almost)
In this last full week, we enjoyed wrapping up projects, preparing for our presentations and honoring many of our peers before summer vacation begins.
Scroll down to see the link for the TIMELINE BOOK and galleries of our latest photos.
Juntos Cantaremos!
Debuting the new hymn by Emily Aviles
Download the 2022-2023 1850 to Modern Times Timeline Book here!
GARDEN - Pre-K and K
We have almost finished our Garden year. It has gone by so fast! This week we studied about Jesus and the children. “Let the children come to me,” he said to his disciples when they tried to stop them from approaching Jesus. This is a good reminder for us. No matter what, we must always remember never to hinder, but to guide the precious children in our care to Jesus, their Creator and Loving God.
Since we have finished learning all the letters from the ABC’s, we did a “shape the letter game”. The girls would listen to the sound of the letter and try to guess which letter it was. They had fun and enjoyed this activity. Elena and Hallel also had a special time in blocks. They used all the available blocks to build an amazing house with a pool and all.
On Thursday we had a special guest visiting the Garden, and Hallel and Elena made her feel welcome and played with her. To finish off our week, the kitchen was open. Elena and Hallel cooked delicious food for Miss Nicole, yummy! The girls are looking forward to our last Garden day where we will be having a picnic with some more special guests: our fluffy stuffed animals.
SEEDS - Grades 1-6
In class, we practiced for our final presentation and honored our friend Dana for her birthday. On Friday, we were able to perform for the parents and debut the amazing hymn: Juntos Cantaremos, written by Emily Aviles, Elise’s mom. Thank you all for coming and celebrating all that God has done at SEEDS this year.
We wrapped up the year by pasting the rest of our timeline labels into the class timeline book. It was a great time to review some of the events we’ve discussed over the last three weeks. We also had a good time decorating a blank map of the United States based on the book that we read, “The Scrambled States of America.” The kids did a great job demonstrating that they still remembered the States song we learned at the beginning of the year, while at the same time, thinking up some fun and silly characters to draw for each state.
In Science the kids had a blast watching some Rube Goldberg machine videos. Additionally, Mrs. Jenny showed them some examples in The Nutcracker and Chitty, Chitty, Bang Bang movies. And what better way than to learn about simple machines than to make catapults using craft sticks, spoons and rubber bands! They then proceeded to have an epic pom-pom battle!
Our final art project of the year was our Matisse-inspired collages. The students tweaked, rearranged, and made sure their pieces were glued to their paper well. These pieces were part of our colorful display for the final presentation. Weren’t they lovely?
OAKS - 7+
This was a really exciting week! We got to honor both Esteban and Mateo for their birthdays and also celebrate our finishing our book, “A Young Person’s Guide to Knowing God.” To commemorate the day, Mr. Jared also presented the printed version (which was dedicated to Esteban Colon) of the original short stories that the students wrote called “Compass to Christ: An Oak’s Students Guide to Knowing God.” The students will receive a copy of this at the final showcase on Tuesday. We will also be releasing the audio versions of these stories throughout the summer. Episode 2 by Kendall Hager is already posted and you can listen to it here. The other stories will be released as follows:
June 5 - Mateo Rios
June 12 - Eva Hager
June 19 - Joshua Ramos
June 26 - Elisha Padilla
July 3 - Anaiah Gilette
July 10 - Olivia Ramos
It was time finally time for the students to put their design for a Rube Goldberg machine together this week. On Tuesday, the students brought in their supplies and tried to make their original design. However, they confronted difficulties as they had a hard time listening to each other’s suggestions of how the design could be modified. We stopped working and sat down to discuss what the problem was and how we could fix it. I reminded them that although working with others can be challenging, it is important to resist the urge to work alone instead of doing the hard work of collaborating in a team. On Thursday, the students came with a renewed attitude and determination to finish the work. They decided to switch the purpose of their machine from putting toothpaste on a toothbrush to a hand sanitizer dispensing machine. They were all working hard until the final minutes. I told them we had to try it before the end of the day. They were overjoyed when at the first try their machine worked squirting hand sanitizer on Kendall’s hand! We have included the video for you to watch. They will also do a live demonstration for you during their final showcase on Tuesday.