Week 31: May 9-13 - The Little Things
The Little Things
Juan Diego holds one of the small butterflies, while Saul gets a closer look at other little things through the microscope..
This week, we took closer looks at the slides and specimens we’ve collected at SEEDS. A microscope, some leaves, and a little bit of curiosity is all you need to discover a whole new world.
Remember that there is NO CLASS next week, May 23-27 for SEEDS or The Garden. This is the final break before the end of the year.
Miss Nicole led the worship story this week.
This week at worship, we were transported to Galilee. The disciples were trying to fish and a man from the shore told them to cast their net on the right side. Of course, it was Jesus! Jesus had made breakfast for them and after eating, He asked Peter three times if he loved Him? The third time he asked, Peter got sad. He was most likely thinking of the three times he had denied Jesus before being crucified. After asking Peter, Jesus told him to feed His sheep. Thank our Lord for his mercies and grace over our lives and because His love towards us does not depend on anything we do.
We also praised God with two songs that we need to keep practicing at home for our final presentations: “My God is So Big” and “His Mercy is More.”
At last, our butterflies were out of their chrysalids. The children had the opportunity to watch and be part of liberating three monarch butterflies. It was an experience we will never forget. The laughs and shouts of excitement were priceless. God’s creation is awesome! The children also got to play in the big park, with blocks, insects and got a chance to draw whatever they’d like (many of them chose to draw animals). The Garden kids have truly become artists! For the last activity, they illustrated a three page book and Miss Vivi helped them write out their story. They were so excited with their books. They are looking forward to reading their stories to their friends at the Garden next week. It’s going to be great!
Time to play!
Some of the SEEDS kids lead the Garden group in a fun movement game.
“In the beginning, was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God.”
More take flight…
A few more butterflies emerged this week and the kids released them in the field.
The “Light of God” group try to stump Mr. Jared in our “find it on the map” game. “No peeking, Mr. Jared!!!!”
We are coming towards the end of our History timeline for this year! We began at around 1500 in the time of Exploration, and we have definitely seen how the expansion of kingdoms through colonization had changed the world in more ways than before. Now as we draw closer to our end mark of 1850, we have seen the United States expand to include 31 states with the addition of California as a result of the gold rush. The kids have been doing so great with learning about each of these states and their geography. In fact, on Friday, we played some fun state games and using the map, had to ask each other questions about the places we’ve learned about. In the gallery, you can see some of the groups searching for locations on the map and even trying to stump Mr. Jared with a few questions. It’s great to see how much fun they’re having and how much they all enjoy learning and working together.
Did you know that plants have mouths? This was the first question I asked the students in Science when we began learning about how plants make their food this week. Stomata, as these microscopic mouths are called, open in the morning to allow carbon dioxide to come in. This is also the place where oxygen is released into the air after it has been made by the plant. We learned that photosynthesis is what we call the process of plants using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce its food. Plants produce both sugar for themselves and oxygen for us! It was cool to learn that God even made plants to produce extra food that they store in their stems or roots. We enjoy this “extra food” when we eat potatoes, yams, or carrots to name a few! Finally, we talked about plant cells and their parts as we looked at some leaf specimens through a microscope.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
The Last 500 Years
P. 52 - The Year of Revolutions
American Pioneers and Patriots
P. 81-94 - Pioneers Going West (Unit 7)