Week 3: September 13-17 - "Jesus: Creator and Savior of the World"
Jesus: Creator and Savior of the World
How perfect that little Estrella was wearing her shirt with “stars” on it! That is because this week, the children were talking about the sun as one of the stars that God made in His amazing creation. Here you can see the “sun” she was making with yarn. But the best news is that God not only created the world, but through the person of Jesus Christ, was and STILL IS the world’s Savior from sin and death. In fact, during our worship time at SEEDS, the kids helped Mr. Jared demonstrate just how Jesus saved us from the power of sin and darkness, which is like a cord tied around us that we could never be free of by ourselves. For while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) What a tremendous display of God’s amazing grace!
The highlight of this week was definitely visiting the bigger park next to the center. We walked through the park and talked about how to stay safe as we play. The kids loved running around and swinging on the big seesaw together. Inside, we introduced the rest of the blocks and challenged the kids to make structures that were safe, strong, and beautiful. They also got to challenge their fingers by learning some new rhymes and action songs and working on a yarn wrapping activity inspired by the sun. On Thursday, we took a short walk in the rain and came inside for “indoor park.” We explained to the children that when it is raining too hard we will come inside to play some games. We had a great time playing Memory as a group. Next week, we will learn about the Moon along with the “You are the light of the world” theme.
“Miss Vivi, your pantallas are like the sun! I think that is why you wore them.”
-Child from “The Garden”
Our Science journals began to take more form this week as we started to study the Animal Kingdom. The children learned that kingdoms are divided further into phylum and then into classes. Most of the children were familiar with the five major classes of vertebrates: reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and mammals. The first animal class that we began to document in our journals was “mammals.” We discussed the characteristics that most mammals share as well as their exceptions. We also discussed that even though humans can be classified as mammals, the Lord made human beings in His image and made them superior to animals by granting them dominion over all the works of His hand. This conversation will continue as we study monkeys and apes next week.
In our History class this week, we discussed how important survival was for the early settlers. The colonists established Jamestown, but faced tremendous challenges along the way. We went out into the field near our playground to collect “food” and materials for a shelter, just as the early colonists would have had to do. Watching a video on how a traditional wigwam was built helped us to appreciate how important the Native Americans were in modeling to the colonists traditional ways of surviving the long, cold winters using only the resources available around them.
SEEDS supplemental readings can be found below. Also check out the photos from this week.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
The Last 500 Years -
Pp. 30-31 Early Settlers in the Americas
Video about wigwams
Guide to God’s Animals - pp. 44-47, 48-49, 50-53, 66-67
The readings above are NOT homework. They are optional readings to reinforce and review with your children the topics covered in their previous classes. If possible, make these readings cozy, comfy, fun, and an activity that the entire family can enjoy together. Kids may even just enjoy skimming these pages on their own, and looking at the pictures. A post-it or an index card will help them find this week’s sections.