Week 2: September 6-10 - "Jesus: King of Kings"
Jesus: King of Kings
In the SEEDS program this year, we will be looking at the names of God in our study of the Scriptures. And what better way to kick off our first full week than learning about the name Jesus, which means, the Lord saves. Jesus, who is both Lord and Savior, is also our king and the best king that we could ever know. As we looked in History at the kingdoms that have risen and fallen through time and even as we studied the Animal Kingdom in Science class, there is a promise that the kingdom of Jesus is unlike any other. It is from everlasting to everlasting!
This week our group was finally complete as Ms. Nicole joined us for our first full day of the program! Outside, the children had fun playing “restaurant” in the wooden houses and “Un, Dos, Tres, Pescao!” They also got a chance to try out the new dart board and check out the compost bin that we are preparing for when we build our garden.
Inside, we introduced the wooden blocks in our activity time, adding new blocks every day. We thought about the best way to build structures that were safe and strong. The children worked in pairs and practiced how to discuss a plan before building and how to share blocks. They loved building castles and towers. Next week, we will begin the “Sun” Unit along with the “Jesus is the Light of the world” theme.
“I’m a creature made by God!”
“Mrs. Vivi: As you look into the mirror to draw yourself, what do you see?
Roi: A creature made by God!”
We began our study in Zoology by talking about how important it is for scientists to classify animals. To illustrate how classification works, we played some games in Science class where the kids were able to decide many different ways to classify their group. They grouped themselves into various categories including: hair color, gender, type of face mask and type of pants. We learned that scientists classify animals into two major groups: vertebrates and invertebrates. They were surprised to learn that even though most of the animals we are familiar with are vertebrates (like the fish in a bag pictured here), invertebrates make 97% of the animal kingdom. We also learned that the animal kingdom is one the five kingdoms that scientists use to classify living things. Plants, Bacteria, Fungi, and Protists are the other four kingdoms. We will delve deeper into taxonomy and how scientists classify animals as we study mammals next week.
Our study of the Age of Exploration in History continued this week as we built boats out of aluminum foil and imagined what it may have been like to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World. We also learned about several important people and places during this time, including King Philip of Spain and Queen Elizabeth of England. The one hundred years between Columbus’ first voyage until the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 changed the world forever. The best part of our class was when we were able to use our very own homemade boats to recreate that momentous naval battle between the Spanish and the English.
SEEDS supplemental readings can be found below. Also check out the great self-portraits by some of the kids.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
The Last 500 Years -
p. 18 (not the Thirty Years War on p. 19);
Pp. 30-31 Early Settlers in the Americas (don’t read French Settlers or French losses)
Pp. 20-21 The Rise of the Dutch
Pp. 14-15 Elizabethan England
Guide to God’s Animals - pp. 12-15, 106-109, 92-95
The readings above are NOT homework. They are optional readings to reinforce and review with your children the topics covered in their previous classes. If possible, make these readings cozy, comfy, fun, and an activity that the entire family can enjoy together. Kids may even just enjoy skimming these pages on their own, and looking at the pictures. A post-it or an index card will help them find this week’s sections.