Weeks 22: March 1-4 - We are the Branches
We are the Branches
Leaves and branches were the focus of the air-blown watercolor paintings the kids did at their special watercolor workshop held this week.
We finished our study of Jesus as “The Vine,” the title he gave himself in John 15. We also did some gardening this week and had a special watercolor workshop. See below to read more and check out the photos below.
Don’t forget parents: FIELD TRIP THIS FRIDAY…FILL OUT THE LINK if you haven’t already. Scroll to the bottom of the page for more info…
Both Estrella and Matias were honored this week for their birthdays.
This week was another super special one because on both Tuesday and Thursday we celebrated the birthdays of two of our Garden children: Happy birthday, to our dear Estrella and Matías! May God continue blessing and guiding your lives.
This week we started the study of insects. In worship time we learned about a few insects and we studied the plagues of Egypt which up until now have included the Nile turning to blood; the infestation of frogs, mosquitoes, and flies; the animals that got sick and died and the people getting blisters all over their bodies. Even after seeing all these plagues, Pharaoh's heart got harder each time and God allowed it. Meanwhile the Israelites, God’s people, were safe and protected in Goshen. No matter what happened to the Egyptians, the Israelites were spared from the plagues. God is so good and faithful.
For activity time, the children played with blocks and also recreated the stories learned in worship. They planted some lettuce in the tires with Miss Vivi and played with the new insect toys.
Matias’ parents helped to serve the snack for the day.
Watercolors in progress.
“And he is the head of the body, the church...”
Elisha shows off her final product with guest teacher and watercolor artist, Ruthely Escobar.
In Science we began by learning what Botany is and marveled at how the careful study of plants can reveal or magnify God in our own lives. We discussed that scientists classify plants in the animal kingdom in the same way animals are classified in the animal kingdom. The kids thought about some of the categories scientists might use and then we discussed the first main classification: vascular plants (plants with tubes inside) and non-vascular plants (plants without tubes inside).
Our learning was bolstered by the hands-on work sowing lettuce and basil in the garden with Ms. Yessenia on Wednesday and the watercolor workshop with Mrs. Ruthely on Friday. There was so much joy and energy as the children painted together. Mrs. Ruthely led the two younger groups in an activity where they got to make “blue and yellow watercolor seeds” grow by dropping water with straws on them as well as blowing on them to give them warmth. The oldest group had the opportunity to work on a botanical print of a tulip.
We can’t wait to learn more about plants on our field trip to Jardín Botánico de Caguas THIS FRIDAY!!
Worship story time, about to learn the movement for the “I Am the Vine” song.
In History, we continued to work on our timeline, adding the labels for both the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. We learned how difficult it was for the 13 colonies—now turned states—to agree with each other and ratify their constitution. This new country, The United States of America, also had a difficult time forming alliances with foreign countries were weren’t sure what to think of this new nation.
In addition to this, we spent time looking at the details of some of the states that signed the Constitution—Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We learned about their state birds and flowers and pasted fun stickers onto the student sheets into our binders.
We also had a great time learning some movement to go with the “I Am the Vine” song and played outside a lot.
Supplemental Readings for SEEDS
Optional readings to reinforce topics that were covered in the classes from last week. Enjoy reading aloud together!
Hot-air balloon video: Learn how to make your own
American Pioneers and Patriots
pages 67-79
This Week’s Gallery
Register Now!! Field trip to Jardín Botánico de Caguas
Date: Friday, March 11, 2022
Time: 10:00am-1:30pm (replaces the SEEDS afternoon session)
Cost: $6.00- Students, $5.00 - Adults, $4.00- Seniors (60+)