Week 6: No Time like Showtime
Moms, remember that this Friday, September 30 is the first prayer and fellowship gathering of the year. Don't miss it!
Moms, remember that this Friday, September 30 is the first prayer and fellowship gathering of the year. Don't miss it! 〰️
WEEK 6: No Time like Showtime
Even though we missed two days of classes due to the passing of Hurricane Fiona, we had some pretty big events to celebrate this week, including the OAKS first theatrical performance. Read more below…
Scroll down to see the supplemental readings for the week, galleries of our latest photos, and our current memory verse.
The Oaks students performed their play this week, and were a huge success!
GARDEN - Pre-K and K
Reading Elena’s birthday book together.
Elena’s B-Day brought donuts for the kids (and coffee for the grown ups). This was pretty exciting as the kids really missed seeing each other on Tuesday and nothing is so festive as celebrating a birthday with treats together. We also had a special guest helper from SEEDS with us, Elena’s big sister Carolina.
SEEDS - Grades 1-6
The students of SEEDS learned some folk dances this week in Studio Time. You can see this short video of our 1st grade group cutting a rug in the sanctuary as they move to the song: “She’ll be comin’ round the mountain.”
In History, was great to see how quickly the students have been learning the municipalities songs at home. Continue learning about the southern ones this week by singing along to the video.
OAKS - 7+
There is no time like showtime! We finally had the pleasure of sharing the fruit of our work for the past five weeks with a wonderful audience. The children skipped Science that day in order to run the show twice with the final set. Later they ran excitedly to get the final touches on their costumes, hair, and make-up. The girls were thrilled that Miss Gilmarie (fellow lover of theater and make-up artist extraordinaire) showed up to get them extra ready. Even though we lost power at the last moment, the Oaks proved that the show must go on! They worked together as an amazing team and the audience loved the show. We are planning an encore performance. We will let you know of the date. Bravo OAKS!!
BIBLE readings:
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
A Young Person’s Guide to Knowing God
Pg. 61 - A Life for a Life
The readings are meant to reinforce the topics covered from last week and to have the parents understand more fully what is being covered in the classes. They are not required for the class, but a good supplement. You can try to read all or just a few selections. Use your discretion what to cover based upon the ages of your children.
OAKS Program
See above for the worship readings
SEEDS and OAKS Programs
Learn Memory Verse: 1 Peter 2:24 (See bottom of page)
No new readings this week; you can review the state border songs, the PR northern coast and the new southern coast songs, or catch up on previous week readings.
Memory Verse #4
“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.”