Week 22: Oh what fun…prepping for Family fun!
WEEK 22: Oh what fun…prepping for Family fun!
The week leading up to our vacation was filled with last minute preparations for our “Family Day and More” event. Another post with pictures from that event will be uploaded separately. Stay tuned…
Scroll down to see the supplemental readings for the week, galleries of our latest photos, and our current memory verse.
Beauty in God’s Creation
A random collection of leaves becomes an inspiration for collage at The Garden
Memory Verse #11
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”
SEEDS and OAKS Programs Suggested Readings for the Week
The readings are meant to reinforce the topics covered in class last week and to have parents and other siblings be a part of what we’re learning. These readings are not required for the class, but can be a good supplement. You can try to read all or just a few of the selections. Use your discretion as to what to cover based upon the ages of your children.
The Last 500 Years / World History from Ancient to Modern Times
P. 74 / p. 270
The Story of the World
Fascism in Italy - p. 311
Japan, China, and a Pretend Emperor - p. 321
The Long March - p. 327
GARDEN - Pre-K and K
Philippians 4:13 states “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The girls at the Garden began to memorize this verse this week to the tune of London Bridge. When Mrs. Vivi began introducing the verse she mentioned in the first part: “I can do all things.” Elena was quick to retort “that’s not true! We can’t do everything! Only God can!” Mrs. Vivi rejoiced at her comment, not only because it’s true, but because it was a great segue to the second part of the verse: “through CHRIST who strengthens me.” This led to a conversation about depending and trusting God just like Esteban and His family have been doing as well as Miss Nicole. This week we also told the story of the Wise and Foolish Builders that Jesus taught from the mount. We learned the popular song that goes with it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HVdbULOVHA) and were able to draw the story on Thursday.
Outside, the girls collected flowers and leaves and made “collages” on the sidewalk with Emma and Mr. Jared. During activity time, we finished our “pollito” and “pig” pictures and worked on building houses, of course! On Thursday, the girls wanted to show Mrs. Vivi how they danced with the scarves since she was absent the day they first worked with them. We also played several board games as the weather outside did not let us go outside again.
SEEDS - Grades 1-6
Our new memory verse began this week and the kids are learning it so quickly. But it is one thing to memorize the verse and ANOTHER thing to put them into practice. In this passage from Luke, Jesus commands his followers to love their enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you and pray for those who mistreat you. This was an important message for us to discuss as we have all been hurt by someone and it is only the Holy Spirit that can enable us to respond in the way that Jesus modeled. Make sure you pray about this with your kids and go over the song we sent over WhatsApp so that your children can continue to sow this word in their hearts.
As we wrapped up our lesson on sound, the students learned more about how sound waves work, how they are measured, and how humans try to replicate God’s amazing designs.
A louder sound has a higher amplitude and softer sound has a lower amplitude. Amplitude, the height of a sound wave, is measured in decibels.
A higher pitched sound has a higher frequency while a lower pitched sound has a lower frequency. Frequency, the distance between two sound waves, is measured in Hertz.
Animals are typically much more sensitive to sounds that humans cannot hear. Elephants and whales, for example, can communicate long distances with infrasound, sounds too low for humans to hear. Bats use ultrasound, too high for humans to hear. The ultrasound waves bounce off of objects so the bats can find food and avoid obstacles while flying. This is called echolocation.
By studying animals like dolphins and bats, scientists have discovered how to use ultrasound to find objects in the water. Ships and submarines use sonar to send out ultrasound waves that reflect off objects. The time that it takes the sound wave to return, lets them know where the object or ocean bottom is located.
Studying God’s creation has enabled us to discover many marvelous things!
Before wrapping up for our vacation week, we spent the time reviewing many of the important events that led up to World War I as well as some of the outcomes of The Great War. To do this, we played a game using our timeline labels! The students received a label randomly and had to speak about one thing they remember about that event. Obviously, depending upon the age, what was remembered varied, but the kids did a great job recalling at least small details about the many events we’ve discussed. Afterwards, the students decorated the labels they collected and then placed them into our timeline books. Great job guys!
Weaving takes time! Our kids were able to witness this as we worked on some small bookmarks over three classes and some students will need an additional day to finish when we get back. However, no matter how much work it took, the students were all so happy with their creations. Some decided to make it a small wall hanging with a stick on the top instead of a bookmark. They even spoke about the “next thing” they wanted to make! This is a great activity to integrate at home during read aloud time or in the mornings if you work with multiple students. Yarn and cardboard are inexpensive art materials and they could make many gifts to give away or even sell.
OAKS - 7+
We gave thanks this week for the good news we received about Esteban. We marveled at the fact that God had answered our prayers so clearly for him, but also were amazed to see how much these prayers mimicked the stories we had been reading about prayer in “A Young Person’s Guide to Knowing God.” This experience has really increased our faith and have compelled us more and more to seek the Lord in prayer. We have also been learning a new worship song together (Blessed Be the Name of the Lord) that helps up to remember that in both the “good and bad” we can trust the Lord.
In Studio Time this week some of our students worked on the posters for the different stations for Saturday’s activity. They worked in pairs designing and painting. Also, a group of girls worked on some earrings to sell. They came up with some pretty creative signs. We can’t wait for you to see their work!
In our Oaks class, we discussed the emergence of two major powers that arose after World War I. Both Japan and Italy were countries that were growing in strength and looking for ways to exert power in the ever-increasing connected world. Hirohita of Japan and Mussolini of Italy made decisions that would greatly affect both of their countries for years to come. Before wrapping up for our vacation week, we also spent time reviewing many of the important events that led up to World War I as well as some of the other outcomes of The Great War. To do this, we played a game using our timeline labels! The students received a label randomly and had to speak about one thing they remember about that event. Afterwards, the students decorated the labels they collected and then placed them into our timeline books. Great job guys!
Sonic booms and the speed of sound really intrigued the students this week. However, to wrap this lesson up, we focused on the use of sound in science. We saw an interesting video that described how ultrasounds use sound waves to create pictures. It was amazing to find out that those pictures of us inside our mother’s belly were actually the product of sound. We also discussed how bats and whales use sound to communicate and find food. Scientists were inspired by God’s creation to copy this into SONAR technology used in ships and by fishermen to find schools of fish. Even geologists use it to find fossil fuel deposits buried deep inside the Earth. Sound is truly powerful!
Arts Academy
Art Club worked on drawing trees by observation, while the Drama Club continued to explore movement that is effective in performance. The cast of Charlotte’s Web began rehearsing their parts and blocking.