Week 18: The Air Out There
WEEK 18: The Air Out There…
We finally are “On the Air” with our new OAKS podcast, and have been enjoying the slightly cooler temperatures and fresh air as we’ve planted in our garden, held kickball competitions and obstacle courses outside this week. Not to mention some amazing artwork in the Studio…
Scroll down to see the supplemental readings for the week, galleries of our latest photos, and our current memory verse.
…and by still waters.
The readings are meant to reinforce the topics covered in class last week and to have parents and other siblings be a part of what we’re learning. These readings are not required for the class, but can be a good supplement. You can try to read all or just a few of the selections. Use your discretion as to what to cover based upon the ages of your children.
SEEDS and OAKS Programs
Review Memory Verse (See bottom of page)
The Story of the World
P. 109 - The Sick Man of Europe
P. 162 - Abdulhamid the Red
P. 196 - The Balkan Mess
GARDEN - Pre-K and K
This week we studied the story of Jesus at the temple. While Mary and Joseph had thought Jesus was with the crowd, he had remained over in Jerusalem with the Bible teachers. When they finally found him, he asked his parents, “didn’t they know that he would be in his Father’s house?” Jesus, even as a little boy was perfect and never sinned. After discussing the story, we had quiet time so the girls could draw what their favorite part of the story was. They did great with those drawings!
We did the calendar, practiced our numbers and months of the year. This week we had the letter “Mm” to discuss and practice. What starts with the letter Mm? A few of the words the girls said were: “mono”, “Mrs. Vivi ","mamá ". Using Big line, they put together the letter Mm and then practiced writing it on the board. After, we sang the A,B,C song up to the letters we have done up until now (A-M).
In activity time, using the collage method the girls created a mouse. They had so much fun and were very attentive to detail. They also enjoyed playing in the kitchen and cooking yummy food.
SEEDS - Grades 1-6
Gravity and friction impact us every moment of the day. It was quite enjoyable to explore these two important forces more in depth with the students this week.
Testing different shaped cars on the Hot Wheels tracks proved to be a great way to demonstrate drag & aerodynamics. Drag is the friction that objects experience when moving through air or water. Aerodynamic shapes decrease friction. It was fun to see the students excited about comparing the trash truck with the sports car on the tracks and understand how increased surface area slows down an object
The students also got to drop two Easter eggs, one filled with marbles, to show that falling objects, when dropped at the same time, from the same height, will land at the same time, regardless of weight.
A special thanks to Josh, my helpful assistant on Friday, for acting out free fall for the younger students. It definitely helped them visualize terminal velocity, the maximum speed that a falling object can reach.
This week in History, our travels took us to the nation of Turkey, which used to be part of the Great Ottoman Empire. At the beginning of the 20th Century, this empire was becoming much weaker (the “sick man” of Europe) and eventually crumbled under pressures from outside powers like Russia and Great Britain, but also from internal strife and violence. We also learned that it was during this time that three new states were added to the United States of America: Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona.
On Wednesday, the kids finished their Van Gogh inspired works of art. As you can tell by the pictures, they did an amazing job and were very pleased with their pieces. On Friday, we started working on our garden by placing new flowers for this season at The Well. The kids were excited to finally get their hands in the dirt and fix up the garden area they have come to love through the years. Carolina was so excited and said “I remember when we did this all the other years!” We will be adding to the garden during the next few weeks. If you would like to help out, please let Mrs. Vivi know.
OAKS - 7+
We spent a lot of time this week completing episode 1 of the podcast which included deciding upon a name and designing the artwork for the podcast. (Thanks Elisha for the great work!) This podcast has been designed by the students as a guide to help encourage other young people, specifically our friend Esteban, in their journey to knowing God better through His son Jesus Christ. Through stories, jokes, and tales about the world around us, we hope this podcast motivates everyone to grow strong in their faith and tell others about their hope in God. Click on the cover art above to listen.
We hope Esteban enjoys listening to the story and following along with us in PA. To donate to his cause, click here:
Physical Education
We’ve been incorporating more organized outdoor games this semester and one that has caught on with the OAKS has been kickball. Congratulations to Eva, Kendall, and Elisha for their win this week!
This week we learned more about the dynamics of gravity, namely how distance and mass affect it. We also talked about the law of universal gravitation and terminal velocity. On Friday, we reviewed all the concepts learned in chapter 7 and discussed centripetal force. We used a balloon with a penny inside of it as well as using the bucket from the well to demonstrate how this force keeps an object moving around another object instead of on a straight line as Newton’s laws of motion state. It’s always fun to see how the water does not spill out of the bucket when it spins around. At the end of class the students were finally able to test out different ways to reduce and increase friction using a wooden car track. Eva and Kendall brought their track covered with aluminum foil and Isai brought one covered in bubble wrap. When tested, the bubble wrap proved to be the best material to increase friction. In the case of decreasing friction, Olivia and Joshua brough butter and Mateo brought WD-40. Olivia and Joshua were surprised when instead of increasing friction, the butter ended up increasing more friction than the bubble wrap. Mateo’s WD-40 was the clear winner as it zipped down the wooden track.
Memory Verse #9
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”