WATER from the Well 2022-2023

Click on a date below to see the week’s newsletter

Week 1: Welcome back!

WEEK 1: Welcome Back!

Returning to the Well Center for the Arts with The Garden, SEEDS, and the brand new OAKS program!

Scroll all the way down to see the supplemental readings for the week and a gallery of our latest photos.

A place for every stage

The Rios family has been with The Well Center since it’s inception in 2019 and now has one child in each of our three programs.

GARDEN - Pre-K and K

We are back! What a privilege to be back together another year in The Garden. It was an exciting week for the kids and the teachers. We welcome to The Garden our new student, Hallel.   We started with worship as always, praising God. This week we studied the days of creation from day 1-7. What a mighty and awesome Creator we worship and serve.  

Even though it was a rainy first day, we got to play fun board games and by the end of the week, the kids got to enjoy the new swing they loved in the playground.  In our indoor playtime, we used our blocks and played in the kitchen.  We also reviewed some rules and started to practice the days of the week, months of the year, and the numbers in our calendar. 

We are glad to be back and looking forward to what God will do this year.

SEEDS - Grades 1-6

In Worship, we learned WHY we worship and how.  Mrs. Vivi reminded us that at the Well, one of our ways is to worship God with gladness and joy.  We also introduced our first memory verse of the year.

We had a great first week in Science! Science is all about learning how God created this amazing and complex world that we live in.  Studying Chemistry and Physics helps us learn how things are made and how they work. We discussed three of the properties of matter: volume, mass, and density.  The students seemed to really enjoy the demonstrations in which we dropped beans and a plastic dinosaur into a graduated cylinder of water to show how you could measure the volume of an item through displacement.  We compared a boiled egg, rhythm egg (maraca), and an empty Easter egg to discuss how each had a different mass and density (but the same volume).  We even made an egg float in salt water!

We began our survey in History by reviewing (or learning about for the first time) some of the states that make up the United States of America.  We focused on learning the names, locations, and abbreviations of the states along the northern and southern borders of the country.  In fact, we will be letting you know soon about an ice cream party that we are planning as a result of our conversation about the state of Vermont. Ask your child to see if they can sing one of the songs to you!

In Studio Time, the students were introduced to their clipboards and their baskets of materials. There is always such joy to find your name on these items!! Their first art activity was to make a drawing of something they loved. Then they got the opportunity to stand in front of the group and share their drawing. This was a wonderful way to get to know each other more. We also started to brainstorm their new group names. The final decision will be made next week.

OAKS - 7+

It was a completely amazing experience to begin the OAKS program this week with such a cool group of young people.  Highlights: 1) worshiping together to “Our God is an awesome God” on the stage in the playground; 2) Snacks on the picnic tables; 3) listening to our cheesy state songs (cheesy, but VERY effective!)  

  • BIBLE readings: 

    • Genesis 1:26-31 and Titus 2:14 - What can we learn about God’s love through these verses?

  • A Young Person’s Guide to Knowing God

    • Read p. 19 - “The Lost Boat”

In Science, we discussed our two large topics of the year in broad terms: chemistry as the study of matter and Physics as the study of energy. The students loved receiving their new Science books and got to work with them right away as we talked about our first Chemistry topic: matter. We learned about the properties of matter and explored what volume and mass are. We are looking forward to doing some more experiments and demonstrations this week.

In Studio time, the students received their very own canvas material bag in lieu of the basket they used to have at Seeds. They filled it with their new materials and got to personalize them with their own designs. On Friday, they colored in their designs with Sharpie markers.


OAKS Program

  • See above


  • Review Memory Verse: 1 John 3:1

  • Read Colossians 1:15-17 (Science connection)

Help for your Homeschool

Are you interested in having your kids learn more about current events and the news around the world, delivered with a biblical worldview? Next week, we will share more information about a great resource that you can use in your homes for kids of all ages. Stay tuned!


Jared & Viviana Ramos