HELP for your Homeschool

Resources to help you on your journey

Set goals for your children as you go...

Each child is unique


Apart from having a general vision for our home life and children’s education, every year I write down goals I have for each of my children. After all, they are each UNIQUE, God’s workmanship!! (Ephesians 2:10) I know that before they were formed in my womb, the LORD knew my children and so my desire is to be faithful to nurture them that they may become the person that God created THEM to be.

Click on the image below to download the file in English and Spanish.

I have been using this simple template for over five years and it always helps me focus! Additionally, it helps me remember that one of the best parts about homeschooling is that I have the flexibility to slow down if necessary according to where my child is at and not because they have to be learning what everybody else in a classroom (or next door) is learning. I can respect WHO they are BECOMING and encourage growth in the ways that fit them best.

Personally, I find that having categories helps get organized and truly think through and pinpoint areas that we aspire to develop. I divide these into the following areas: spiritual, social/emotional, self-care, academic, gross-motor, and fine-motor. (This year, I added another category called “Special project” for my 5th graders to give them time to develop some business and creative endeavors of their own). 

A guide, not a checklist

I will say that these goals are meant to guide our efforts, and it should not be seen as a list that needs to be checked off in its entirety by the end of the year. Education is a life-long process. If something has not been accomplished by the end of the year, guess what? I simply move it to the goals of our following school year. I then add any other goal that pertains to the upcoming school year (something new that they need to tackle because it pertains to their grade level like memorizing multiplication tables or some new habit that we want to instill). During the year, I check in with these goals and as the kids have gotten older, I share my goals with them so that they can learn to be accountable to them too. 

I hope this helps you as you plan. May the Lord give you grace and strength to lead your children and instruct them in His ways.

Jared & Viviana Ramos