Days of Hope

Reflections on placing one’s hope in Jesus

Messiah, Son of God, King and Lord 

Day 204

October 6, 2020



What was your first response when you recognized that Jesus was the Son of God?  That He was the Lord and Savior of the world, and that included you?  Was it joy, was it fear, was it shame?  Maybe it was a mixture of all three.  Whatever the case, a true encounter with the Son of God produces many things, but in the lives of some of his first disciples, we can see one special thing in common: they all confessed the truth about who He was and left everything to follow him.

“We have found the Messiah- Andrew (John 1:41)

Andrew was one of Jesus’ first disciples.  After John the Baptizer pointed out to him that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, he, along with another disciple, immediately followed Him.  Then Andrew went to his brother, Simon Peter and told him that he had found the Messiah.  Andrew confessed the truth about Jesus.  He was the promised Messiah, the One all Israel was waiting for, and all he could do was follow him.

“Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” - Nathanael (John 1:49)

Nathanael was at first doubtful that anything good could come out of Nazareth, but when Jesus spoke some intimate words to Nathanael, things that no one else knew, Nathanael at first couldn’t understand.  How could this man from Nazareth possibly “know” him?  But Jesus, the Son of God knows all of us.  In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…”  While He was speaking to the prophet Jeremiah specifically, this is true for all of us. God knows each of us.  Every detail, every flaw.  And yet, He still has a deep and everlasting love for us.  This truth resonated in the heart of Nathanael.  We don’t know exactly what was happening under the fig tree, but for some reason, when Nathanael hears Jesus say that he “saw him there,” it strikes to the deepest core of this man and Nathanael proclaims, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.”  He then follows him.

“Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” - Peter (Luke 5:8)

Peter too had his doubts about Jesus.  When Jesus suggested that he throw his nets back into the water after a long night of unsuccessful fishing, Peter did it with hesitation, knowing that there was little chance that anything could happen.  And yet, the catch was miraculous!  So much so that others had to come and help.  All his doubts immediately were gone as Peter not only recognized Jesus for who he was (the Lord), but also his own terrible sinful condition.  Jesus tells him not to be afraid for now he will be a fisher of men.  And so Peter followed him also.

There were many others: James, John, Thomas and more.  Each disciple has their own story and so do you.  As you recall your first encounter with Jesus, remember who He is exactly.  He is Messiah, the Son of God, King and Lord.  Let these words lead you to worship him today.  And if you have never known Christ, let the testimony of these witnesses, Andrew, Nathanael, and Peter, pierce your doubts and questions, so that you too may follow Jesus, make Him Lord of your life, and be saved.

Read John 1:35-41 and Luke 5:1-11

Jared & Viviana Ramos