Days of Hope

Reflections on placing one’s hope in Jesus

Hungry?  Thirsty?

Day 221

October 23


“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.” - Matthew 5:6

With the multitude of people listening to Jesus as he preached, there must have been a few hungry people in the audience.  Jesus in at least two occasions provides for their physical hunger in miraculous ways.  But in Matthew 5:6, Jesus now speaks of the “blessed” who are hungry and thirsty...not for bread, fish, and water, but for righteousness.

At this point in Jesus’ sermon, we can understand that the different “blessed” people that Jesus speaks of in this chapter are not separate groups; rather all descriptions of the “blessed” are found in the heart of the child of God.  For to be poor in spirit, to be in mourning, and to be meek or gentle are ALL fruit of the one who has humbled themselves before the Lord, and who has believed and received His grace.

Having received the grace of God, a new characteristic is identified in today’s verse: “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.”  Looking around we can see many injustices in our world today.  This is why some people pursue careers in law enforcement, in politics, and other areas.  They want to make a difference and in some cases these are good and noble pursuits.  As believers especially, we must act when we see something wrong and not remain silent.  However, over and over again, true righteousness in the Word of God is not defined as a man-made standard, or the emotional product of ethical thinking.  True righteousness is Jesus himself.  He is the “Sun of righteousness” as described in the book of Malachi.  In fact, compared to this true righteousness, even our best thoughts and actions can be described as filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6)

What are you hungry and thirsty for today?  If we hunger and thirst for anything, let it be for Jesus.  For in our pursuit of Him, all our needs will be satisfied.  Jesus is the well.  Through him, we have access to the living water of the Holy Spirit that if we drink of, He promises we shall never thirst again.  Having drunk from this water, Jesus will place in us the passion and strength to be His hands and feet on this earth and stand in His righteousness; stand against anything that wages war against the things of God.  For in His power, wrongs and be made right, and healing can be found in our land.

Let your love for Christ and the living water be your power and strength as you seek justice and love mercy today.

Read and meditate on Matthew 5:1-12

Jared & Viviana Ramos